Sunday, 9 August 2020

Project 365 week 32

 Week 32 



Was awake a stupid o’clock so got up at 5.30am. Spent some time wandering around Amazon and a few other online shops looking for some ideas. 

Took my exercise bike and some bags of clothes down to DD1. Then loaded the car with stuff for the dump, ran into town to dump it, walked the dog, got hubby new socks and trainers and home again. 

A nice roast chicken dinner and did some crocheting.  


2 snails on a wall.



Spent some time rounding up bits of pieces of bike paraphernalia ready for tomorrow.  

Another run to the dump, into Asda for a bag of porridge oats as I have run out and a walk on the beach before heading back home. Great timing was heavy rain within about fifteen mins of getting home.  

DD3 had ordered a bike to come here as needed signing for and she works so it turned up just after four. A run into the town at six to drop it off here SIL3 to assemble for her. Another walk with the dog as it was dry and a Chinese between us for tea, save starting to cook at 8pm. 

DD3 bike. could not find one ready built. 


Yeeehhhh my bike is to be picked up at 10am, so excited, can’t wait. Managed to get 17% off the total cost of mine through my Blue Light Card. Plan had been to ride it home but involves either a bypass or a back B road and it did not appeal in the pissing rain with poor visibility when I don’t know how this bike will handle. Personally never cycle on the bypass though many do.  

It rained and rained and rained. No chance to even sit on the bike.  

complete with naloxone as well as normal first aid stuff 




A run into the town in the morning to return an item we bought on line to Mountain Warehouse, had bought two different sizes for best fit. Also got a key cut and had a wander round a couple of charity shops that are now open.  

Home and took my bike out. Not the brightest idea, came back soaked to the skin and the easiest way to dry off was into a shower. Was a good ride regardless and the bike handles well, have a good upright sitting position and was comfortable. Clocked up 6.9 miles on in it 38 mins.  


Had an online Naloxone training course, so can now start carrying it with me. They are trying to get more people educated in how to use it and to be willing to carry it.  


The road workmen have no blocked off the bottom of the one-way system so you cannot get out, but no signage to say so. So this morning got to the bottom and realised we could go no further so ended up having to drive the wrong way up the one way street. An accident waiting to happen.  


a sign at the school.



Bits and pieces round the house and got out on the bike about 12 ish. Decided on a different route today and clocked up just over 11 miles in just over an hour. Considering the hills that are around here no matter which way you go then I am quite happy with my time. Yes I used the assist on the bike but that was the idea behind buying it. The ultimate aim is to achieve the same routes easier, quicker and with less assist. Hopefully in twelve months I will see a difference. Currently aiming for ten to twelve miles a day and again this will get extended as I get fitter.  


Spent the start of the week looking for a shed but apart from going stupidly expensive seems a fourteen to sixteen week wait is about average.  


DD1 phoned when I was in the middle of making cakes to ask for a run into town to pick her new car up. So took her after they were cooked and we had had tea.  


Had spotted a friend was rehoming a two brown leather two-seater couches, we have been half looking for one since me moved in, so we agreed to have it picked up by the same van when they got their new one deliver and brought here. Bigger height wise than what we had but looks great.  


Put ours onto a free for uplift website and rehomed it. Waste not want not. Got our neighbours to come in and take it outside for us. Things we could have done ourself years ago but this is the sort of thing that makes you realise you are getting older.  


Dixie approves of the couch



Bought a new pillow the other day that I used last night. Not sure of it was maybe a different angle or fumes from it but woke up in the middle of the night dripping in sweat, feeling really nauseous and very  dizzy, could barely stand. Think labyrinthitis and you will get the idea.  Spent most of the day feeling the same way so did not even attempt to go out on my bike.

 But did go and get my hair cut, what a difference. I am not a haircut kind of person, once every twelve to eighteen months does me, as can't be bothered with the whole process. But but it looks amazing, really need to start getting it done more often. Last weekend when we walked passed a local hairdresser it reminded me to phone for an appointment.   I came back up the road and phoned for an appointment.  She is open four days a week, Wednesday to Saturday if anybody local looking for a hair cut, I can highly recommend Eclipse Hair. 

Photos courtesy of Brenda at Eclipse Hair Tarbolton.  I can highly recommend her, really lovely woman, lots of covid 19 safety procedures in place but despite that still felt very relaxed. The colours are natural but really show well know it has been cut. 



Nipped to the supermarket just after seven to get a few bits I needed, to put fuel in the car and check tyre pressure while I was there. They were all fine.  

Very little time for crafting this week, still working on the same small crochet doll as I was last week. Nearly finished her. 



Into town to meet up with DD3 and go out on the bikes together. Last weeks cryptic picture was a tow ball  bike rack, to allow me to take it on holiday or out for a day and cycle different routes to the ones I can reach from home.  

We cycled along the beach as part of our route. 

waves lapping not to peacefully 

So that was my week, busy, stressful in places but some down time with the bike. How was your week? 

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  1. Aaahh it's stupidly hot here at the moment, so I read about the rain and it sounds truly magical ! lol. Love the new hair :). Have fun on the new bike !

  2. That's great news about you getting a bike. It sounds like you are getting a lot of use already.
    Your new couch looks great. Dixie certainly looks happy on it.
    Your hair looks fab!
    Ahh! I was wondering what that contraption was last week. I was thinking of exercise equipment but a bike rack makes more sense now. x

  3. Very exciting to have the new bike. Hope you get many miles cycled on it. The hair cut looks good - I cut my own, but it never has the fresh clean lines of the hairdresser that way.

  4. Love the haircut. Great news that you've now hot your bike, look forward to reading about your adventures. The new to you sofa looks perfect, enjoy it #366

  5. Some great new additions to your house and that of your DD's. Love the new hair cut, enjoy the bike and that's what the assist is for, so use it

  6. Amazing work on the bike! Love the hair cut, I'm like you and leave it about a year between cuts. #project366

  7. Great that you've got the bike now. My hair appointment is long overdue - early September. It really needs it as it usually gets cut every 10 weeks, and hasn't been done since January.

  8. Thats a pretty good discount you got on the bike and glad you have got it now! The sofa looks great and the haircut looks amazing! Should definitely get it done more often if you can.

  9. Cute little snails. Nice timing for rain. Great that your Naloxone course is complete. I hope your new bicycle routine works out. I also approve the couch. Lovely hair and beach

  10. My friend has a blue light card and they get some fab discounts with it. I would love to have my hair done in a salon, its such a treat. Your hair looks lovely

  11. Glad you managed to get out on your bike and hope you get some better weather for getting out and about. That’s a bit worrying that there’s no signage with the road closure – as you say, an accident waiting to happen. Love your new couch. We really need to get one of ours replaced. Your new haircut looks great. #project366

  12. Dixie looks content on the sofa. Gosh 5:30am is so very early to be awake. Your hair looks lovely after your haircut. So smooth.

  13. That's great news about getting a bike. Well done and sounds like you are doing it loads. The new couch looks fab and Dixie is loving it xx

  14. Yay for the bike sounds like you have great plans with it too. I am sure you will notice a difference more quickly than 12 months. Love the new hair looks great.


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