Saturday, 13 December 2014

Project 365 week 50 7th- 13th December


Feeling a bit better by today. So tonight's tea was an omelette with bacon and various vegetables in. Very nice it was too.


Nipped into town today to drop off some toys for the Salvation Army. Also dropped off a Teksta T-Rex that I had done a review on during the week as well. I am sure Bob would have loved it but decided some other child would appreciate it more.


I do holiday relief cleaning at an complex to cover when their own cleaner if off. I had asked the other week for permission to pop a box in their lounge for the Salvation Army food bank. They have been amazing, must easily be £50 worth of between biscuits, coffee, tea, sugar as well as beans, meals etc. A fantastic haul.


We were warned of a weather bomb that was due to hit us. So in anticipation of power cuts we dug out candles, torches and the gas stove. We didn't need them and I have to say for all the weather was wild wet and windy it was no worse than other storms. 
We saw every conceivable weather going, between rain, sleet, snow, some bits of blue sky and some thunder and lightning thrown in for good measure. 


I was suppose to be doing holiday relief cleaning at one of the other complexes last week, but with not being well I had had to postpone, and then again yesterday due to the weather. So I made it today, and took a look down the beach to see what damage was done but I have to say I was surprised as there seemed no trace of the storm and no litter blown up on the beach. 
Had the two over to stay tonight, had hoped to go for a wander round the village and look at the trees and decoration that were up but the wind and snow but a stop to that. 


Dropped Bob off at toddlers today ( as usual on a Friday) and Minky and Dinky were sat on the floor reading books, well Dinky was till she saw Bob anyway. I love the way their faces light up when they see him, and she crawled  over to be picked up(spoiling my picture)


Made a cake last night, a normal sponge recipe with half a jar of mincemeat in. Love this the flavour is amazing with all the spices, the raisins and other fruit are juicy and it changes the colour of the cake. There was slightly too much mixture for just the big tin and so I made four small ones as well.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Oh I am sorry you've been unwell. Lovely to drop some toys off to some children who are not as lucky as me #365

    1. yes Ickle it is nice that less fortunate children get something

  2. A fab idea dropping toys off, you are very kind.

    Also good to know where the candles are just incase

    1. yes candles are no use stuffed in a dark cupboard during a power cut

  3. Love the stormy beach. Sorry you have been poorly, hope you are feeling much better now. #365

    1. the picture of the beach did not do the sky any favours, but thank you. Yes feeling much better now.

  4. Mincemeat in a cake?! Sounds perfect! Making my first batch of mince pies today with my own mincemeat. You are so thoughtful donating your review toys to those that need it. Hope you're feeling better now x

    1. its delicious - try it. I need to make mince pies with Fifi for Santa next week, not sure where I am getting the time

  5. Sorry to hear you have been unwell. I donated a lot of our toys to the school for the raffle

    1. Yes there are a lot of useful places to pass toys onto, its great how we all support what we can in the way we can.

  6. I was pleased to hear that the bad weather didn't cause you any damage. The beach shot is lovely x #Project365

    1. I was very surprised at how little damage there was in the environment.

  7. oh my goodness Elaine that picture of you donating the toys made me quite emotional.

    13 years ago Beth and I were in a women aid refuge with no money and a very kind charity provided me with some gift to give her on Christmas morning and it was so thoughtful I could still cry about it so for me it really touched me that you would be so kind for others xx

    1. I am glad knowing that the present will help somebody else that was in your position, as none of us now when it is our turn. It is not always bad money management that makes people hard up.

  8. pleased that you were not affected by the bad weatehr that was predicted - but i love your emergency kit! that is such a lovely and kind gesture to donate those things and some child will love that toy.
    i love adding mincemeat to my cakes too - always a good way to sue up leftover mincemeat x x
    ps. hope you are feeling much better now

    1. emergency its are handy to have. Its nice to donate and make a less fortunate child have a better day than they would otherwise.

  9. Glad you're feeling better and that the weather wasn't as bad as predicted. That shot of the beach is beautiful and the collection for the Salvation Army is wonderful xx

    1. there was a huge pile of stuff for them to pass on, its amazing how wonderful people can be, and I truly hope the recipients get a lot of joy from every bodies generosity.

  10. Glad you are better Elaine. That omlette looks delicious and what a lovely thing to do for the Salvation Army! #365

    1. it was delicious, and the Salvation Army appreciated it, as will some parent.

  11. That omelette looks wonderful.Glad the weather wasn't as bad as feared. The twins are getting so big now aren't they?

  12. That omelette looks lovely, glad the weather wasn't quite as hideous as expected and hope you are back to full strength now.

  13. I'm so impressed with your donations to charity over the past few weeks, well done for paying it forward.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.