Saturday, 20 August 2016

Project 366 week 33

Well Ziggy is still not here, he/she seems to have taken a liking to the current home and in no desperate  rush to leave. But regardless she has to report to the hospital for 2pm on Monday, and the plan is to start her on Monday.  In reality this is not a bad thing as the hospital is approx ninety miles away from her home and a long way to go if in labour, and more to the point a long way to go back if you are not well enough in labour when you get there. So next week will see pictures of Ziggy.

This week has been a week of beautiful weather, some days 24 and 25 oC, far to warm for my liking. The fan has come back into action both day and night. Lots of evening walks with the dog as too warm during the day to take her out.

I seem to lead a tedious life, work, walk dog and craft seems to be it lately.


This weeks sewing, Minky's is coming along nicely now that is five characters done with three more to do.

cross stitch, Toy Story
Mr Potato Haed


Loved the light on the water and thought the swan reflection was nice.

swans reflected on water


An amazing sunset tonight. On the hill is Barnweil Monument surrounded by trees.

Wallace Monument, Wallace Tower
Barnweil Monument on the hill 


Another nice evening and another walk. This time round the field. There were dozens of these out but every time I tried to photograph one a daft dog ran in the way.


Dinky wanted to go for a walk with Lilly, so we took a slow stroll along the back road. Daughter and the four youngest. Far too hot to be out but they enjoyed the walk.

Minky has wandered away. 


Thankfully back to rain today. The twins keep wanting to play with the older children's pokeballs. But they are not designed to be abused played with by a toddler, so I decided to crochet a couple. This is the first one, took me about two hours. Well a grandparent needs to stay up to date.

a pokeball.


Changed over our BT package, getting much better for less money, how come they do not tell you of existing customer special offers unless you phone to cancel part of the package you are on? Here is the new router ready for the rest of the change over on Monday.


  1. I LOVE your crocheted pokeball - my son would love that! Your photo of the swans is beautiful. I look forward to seeing photos of Ziggy next week. A 90 mile drive to the hospital sounds crazy!

  2. Stunning photo with the swans and the monument. Will look forward to seeing Ziggy when we're back from holidays. Cross stitch is looking fab Elaine #366

  3. I love the swan photo and the sunset! Stunning!!

    Wow 90 miles to hospital???

    Loving the crochet poke ball!

  4. what a great pokemon ball you have made! i can't wait to see the new baby next week :) that seems to have come around very fast. the swans photo and the sunset one are gorgeous x

  5. 90 miles is a long way to the hospital - look forward to Ziggy's pics. Loving the pokeball.

  6. What stunning photos lovely. I love the swan one and the sunset is stunning. The pokeball is amazing, wow. 90 miles to the hospital is crazy. Looks like you all had a fun walk. Hugs xx

  7. the reflection of the swans on the water is lovely and i hope all goes well for tomorrow with ziggy

  8. Oh baby might be here now then?! Love the sunset and water pic. And I get so frustrated with big companies - definitely no reward for customer loyalty until you tell them you're leaving!


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.