Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Splish Splash - fun in puddles

If there is one thing guaranteed to make my grandchildren happy it is puddles. Big ones or little ones they all go splash and fill the wellies if they jump high enough. It is quite comical to watch Spud run along side the twins trying to copy them and she toddles along with no hope of keeping up but she doesn't seem to mind too much and toddles along as best she can. She is still quite unsteady on uneven ground but manages fine on the pavement.
We have had a few trips out lately. Firstly I will share our trip to the park across the road.

The park is a good place to take them especially as they are getting that bit older Minky likes to attach himself to some of the bigger children and generally goes off to play without me now. This is not a problem as the play area in the park is relatively small, I can see most of it from anywhere in the play area  and it is fenced off from the road. This allows me to put the two girls into the baby swings and push them. Dinky loves the swings and would let you push her all the way to the top of the trees the whole time she is there. Spud loves the swing as well and she giggles her head off as you push the two of them. But Spud gets fed up of being in the swing before Dinky does so the two of them get taken out as Spud is much to little to play unsupervised and at this point Dinky will play about as well.


Spud and Dinky

Spud in a puddle

Spud is still quite unsteady on her feet on an uneven surface so this puddle was sat down in more than once. She actually ended up splashing her hands in the puddle as well and having a ball.
Spud and Dinky in the puddle

Minky playing with an older child 

learning new ways to swing a swing 

all aboard 

up he goes 

On the way out the park the girls decided to play in the puddle and spent ages runnung back and forth through it. Minky meanwhile had walked on ahead.
the best bit of the park.

A few days previously we had been for a walk along the back road. Spud loves to walk so this makes the walk rather slow but it was not about the distance but the fun.
Mum had told them we were going to be looking for things like butterflies,cows and beasties. Minky was going to be looking for dinosaurs and Dinky was hoping to spot kangaroos.

yes they found a puddle 

and another one

she could not resist jumping. Bob looks on bored.

Bob and I ended up wandering away a bit and doing our own think while they played happily. 

where you find two of them you usually find the third. 

climbing on a gate

and spotting cows at another gate.

The simple pleasures are often the best and we all had a lot of fun on our short trips minutes from home. We did spot cows and bees and butterflies but no dinosaurs or kangaroos. 

Country Kids


  1. Aw shame you didn't spot the dinosaurs and kangaroos but it looks great puddle jumping fun all the same! #Countrykids

  2. Puddle splashing is always a great way to burn off some energy, kids are masters of spotting the biggest puddle around! Minky looks so confident wandering around with all the older kids, it's great that Dinky stays and plays with Spud. Haven't they all grown up? I can't get over how quickly they're all growing!

    Thanks for linking up with me on #CountryKids.

  3. Puddle splashing is loved by all children I think especially due to Peppa Pig. My boys love it too #CountrtyKids

  4. What a shame you didn't spot any dinosaurs. Splashing in puddles is fun though xx #countrykids


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