Saturday, 16 February 2019

Project 365 week 7

Been a dull old week. Not been out the door overly much and I have not had my fitbit on for days as low mileage would irritate me, so no mileage is better ( well imo anyway)


Throat was a bit hoarse at work today. Not always a good sign, as it turns out it was not good.

No overtime and a wander with the dog. Spotted some snowdrops.


So having switch round shifts on Saturday so out less time today for the Hotpoint engineer to come out, I get a phone call just before lunch to say he will not be out at all, they have rescheduled him for Friday. To say the least I was not amused.

A wander round the fishery with dog. She loves climbing over rocks.


By today I have no voice left and my peak flow has dropped, enough to double my inhaled steroids but not enough to be concerned about.Borrowed a steam inhaler mug from DD1 along with some menthol crystals. I am finding it a hard balance between getting enough crystals to work and not to many that it is painful and strips the hairs from my nostrils.

Made DD1's birthday cake and Fifi came up to decorate it. She rooted through my cupboard and came up with some bird cutters and mixed together three colours of  ready to roll icing and made some multi coloured birds. Think this is the only picture I took all day.

Another night in the chair watching films on Netflixs, well bits of films anyway, would sleep through a lot of them, wake to cough and saw some of it and then fell asleep again.


Threw together some cakes for Bob to eat, hate going down with nothing for him as it is a bit unfair. Took birthday cake down to DD1 but did not venture far into the house or kiss or cuddle any of the grandkids as I don't think they need my cold.

Another night in the chair, just as well I have a recliner.


Did not go out the door all day. Had a shower and put on fresh clothes. The shower is a good way of helping my peak flow so used my inhalers after I came out. Slept on and off all day, with bits of tv watching and sewing in between times. Slept in bed as the runny nose seems to have eased. The sewing is coming on fine as spent quite a few hours doing it.

This is a picture of a llama and two bells, Ziggy is a bit of a drama queen and gets called drama llama ding dong, hence the picture. Trying to add some meanings to some of the pictures going on baby Roo's blanket.


Peak flow not so good today, hoovered the kitchen ( about 3 ft by 8 ft of floor space) and the middle of the floor in the living room and found my peak flow dropped very uncomfortably. So phoned  for a GP appointment but they had none but I think the receptionist realise I would not string two words together and got a GP to ring me back. They gave me an appointment for later on as was having to wait in on the Hotpoint engineer.
He managed to sort the issue with the freezer by using heat on the door seal. He said he would have just ordered a new door rather than a new freezer had this one not been sort able, made more sense.

Stopped off at the supermarket to get some stuff to put in it but could not think what I wanted to buy so ended up with a bag of chips and two bags of veg.


Well having taken the steroids at tea time last  night one of the side effects of them is insomnia so spent the night watching more tv and doing more sewing.


  1. Oh dear, what a miserable week for you. I hope you feel better soon. Happy birthday to your daughter! I love Fifi's idea for the cake decorations.

    1. was a lovely idea for the cake, a bit different

  2. Seems like you had a simple week, but decorating cakes is fun. Glad to know ur feeling better now. Sorry if it's too blunt or dumb but what condition do u have that requires inhaler and steroids, for curiosity's sake?

    1. I am asthmatic, have been for over 30 years and usually manage to control it well most of the time, d=sadly sometimes it goes a bit wrong and I get issues

  3. Lovely photos.
    It sounds like a pretty rubbish week for you being unwell. I hope you are better soon.
    I love the sewing. I call both my girls drama llamas. lol

    1. Ziggy suits the nick name, nice to know she is not the only one

  4. Hope you're feeling better soon. Winter is never fun if you've got anything that flares up.Hope DD1 enjoyed her birthday

    1. yes most winters I get at least 1 flair up but not bad enough to warrant changing my medication that works well 50 weeks of the year

  5. I’ve not seen any snowdrops yet. Certainly a sign spring is around the corner. Sorry you’ve not been well, hope the new medication helps. Happy birthday to your daughter. Fifi’s can’t ideas are fab. X

    1. we have quite a lot of snowdrops out now as well as the daffs starting

  6. You haven't had a good week at all. I hope you are better soon and able to get some sleep again. I'm glad you finally managed to get the freezer sorted.

  7. Hope you get better soon. The snowdrops are so pretty, and the dog on the rock looks so proud of herself. Happy belated birthday to your daughter. The cake looks lovely.
    What a palaver with the Hotpoint saga. The llama is very cute.

    1. yes she loves climbing on rocks and feeling big

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. So sorry to read that you've been unwell this past week. Good to read that the Hotpoint saga is now sorted. #365

  10. Oh no I’m sorry you’ve not been well sounds like you’ve been on a lot of medication. Hope you are better soon. The blanket is really coming on and I love the birthday cake too. Good to hear you now have a working freezer sounds like me when I go shopping without a list. Hope you are having a better week xx

    1. yes my brain was to tired to engage to think straight

  11. Baby Roo's blanket is looking gorgeous. happy birthday to DD1, sorry to hear you've been so poorly and you're struggling with your peak flow

  12. Not been a good week for you either has it with the sickness! Hope you are better now.

    Think it was a good idea to stay away from the kids...seems like some nasty virus's going round.

    Glad the freezer is finally sorted!

    1. yes I thought staying away from the kids was a good idea as well.

  13. I enjoyed spotting the first spring flowers too! Happy birthday to your daughter and hope you are feeling better now #project365


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