Sunday, 8 January 2012

Project 366 #8

Today I learnt how to use my camera to crop in a picture then put a  border round it.

Right following on from Bloggomys' comment I am attempting to show you how so so easy this was to do, bear with me as cos to take the photos of my camera screen I had to use my existing camera, which I hate with a passion (only because I have never bothered to take the time to work out how to use it). It, like many digitals, has a button you push with a push bit top, bottom, left and right to  access all the menu options and I can never remember which does what, and so just dont use it on anything but manual with flash.

So once I had stopped cursing  at the buttons not doing  what I wanted them to do then I got oh to take  the screen shots for me once he had sorted out the mess I had made from randomly pushing the buttons. On my new camera that not a problem - the little house symbol takes me back "home" or where I started.

the original picture I started with

Well this new camera could not be any easier, 1 touch of the screen brings up the menu, 1 touch removes it again from the screen once you have up what you want. Ignore the quality of my picture, my living room by lamp light, was to achieve a dark picture to allow you to see touch menu.

Picture 1 a pic I took and you can see menu.

touch the scissors brings up crop, so drag and 2 touches to screen to cut

on cropped pic touch paintbrush symbol to apply effects

You then have various effects you can add as a border, from a simple picture frame to fancy ones to the photo negative effect I used.

It really is as simple as touch once to crop, touch once to drag box, touch once to add effect and once more to choose effect.

with a bumpy picture frame added, this is how it came off the camera

More lessons for me next week on what the other symbols do, so come back and look for more before you get a full review later in the month.


  1. You must share how you did it ;) x

  2. ooh fancy! I expect there will be much more of this to come then!


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.