Saturday, 22 July 2017

Project 365 week 29

Been a busy old week between one thing and another and apart from popping my head in the door a couple of times I have not seen the grandchildren. Hopefully get chance to rectify that next week.
We have spent time this week looking into finding another little dog to receive the love we were giving to Lilly Plenty of love, time and new experiences to give to another one. Enquired about a few but not suitable for one reason or another.


Another applique cushion that was commissioned a while ago ready for uplift on Saturday.Really pleased that I have made the sponsored total for charity that I signed up for. A lot less than many of the others have raised but I am happy with my total of £104. Still got a few on commission for later in the year so will be a bit more to add to it. Every penny helps children in need in my area. You can see my progress here.

Storm the husky all ready for the owner. 


Fell asleep for two hours this afternoon so amused myself till late on by cutting out and piling up. Making what they call a scrap quilt so cut the fronts, backs and wadding, laid them out and matched and numbered them all ready for sewing.

cut out and organised 


We had been down visiting an Aunt and decided we would pop into Prestwick for a nose round the charity shops and a spot of lunch. But we got snarled up in masses of barely moving traffic. So we decided after only moving approx 400 yds in half an hour to cut up the first side street we could and we stayed in Ayr instead. Ayr actually made the news this evening as the various sets of roadworks scattered around the town centre coupled with it being a very very hot day and half the country heading to the beach the town actually ground to a halt with people stuck for hours.
We went to Spoons for lunch and the burger hubby got was not the one we had ordered but had all sorts of added extras, but he ate it anyway. Then he played with his food.

a burger face at Wetherspoon


Away on a two day training course. Found it interesting and worthwhile. A great learning curve.  Just need the opportunity now to practise what I learnt. An enjoyable few days with some good company. A few other courses in the book that appeal as well.

part of the course work 


Back on the training course. Spent my time on the train watching a movie on my kindle both days and doing some crocheting, another four eight inch squares completed.

Went for a walk round the fishery after tea. Spotted some nice clovers, and whilst photographing them I spotted a vole. Whilst I was hunting in the grass to try and get a photo ( he got away) I spotted dozens of tiny tiny frogs.

tiny frog on hubby's hand, not much bigger than you thumb nail 


Managed to fit in some evening and early morning sewing. Got six rows done so far.

the scrap quilt starts to take effect


Yeehhh a win..... not a big win but a win none the less. Designed for decorating cakes, but I am sure they would also make stencils to draw round for using in my applique.

some birds from kit box 


  1. I can never get over how much sewing you get done each week! Absolute goals for me to just start doing some again at least. The storm cushion I'd so cute I bet his owners love it. Good luck on the new dog quest. Will it be a puppy? #365

    1. the sewing is my relaxation and if often done at daft hours when I cannot sleep. No dont think the dog will be a puppy more likely another rescue dog

  2. Well done you. That is such a wonderful thing raising money for children in your area. The scrap quilt looks fantastic. It looks like it's a lot of work.
    Wow! That frog is tiny.

    1. the scrap quilt will be worth the time once it is done.

  3. Glad the course went well, and that frog is so cute.

    1. the frogs were very cute and there were dozens of them.

  4. Well done on achieving your sponsored total! That frog looks soooooo tiny! Well done on the win!

    1. It was nice to make my sponsor total and I hope it makes a difference to somebody.

  5. Crikey that frog is mini. Glad the course worked out well

    1. Yes just need to book up a few extra ones to enhance it.

  6. Your appliqué work is just gorgeous and it always looks like you put all your passion into it. Well done on what you raised!! And good luck on finding a new lovely dog x

    1. I thoroughly enjoy my sewing work and it is a lovely pastime that makes money for a charity.

  7. Sending big hugs. I know things are hard. That cushion is fab, way to go & well done on all the money you've raised. Good luck with the course work & the frog is so cute x

    1. thanks for the hugs, things are getting easier.

  8. You've had a couple of crafty wins lately - well done. Sounds like you made the right call in Ayr - I can't bear being stuck in traffic. Hope you find the right dog to replace Lilly.

    1. No hate sitting in traffic especially in 24 oC with no gas in the air con.

  9. Well done on the sponsorship amount - how nice to use your skills to raise money for a worthy cause. Inventive use of the cookie cutters too!

  10. I don't think I have ever seen such a tiny frog! Well done on all that you have raised so far, it all adds up in the end and it is marvellous that you are doing it while raising money. Your sewing and quilting is great and must keep you busy - such a lovely hobby. I bet you are pleased it was a New Years resolution as it is one you have kept going so easily x

  11. the quilting is looking great, I use the decorating cutters for making biscuits with, cheaper and more unique than the biscuit cutters


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.