Thursday, 4 January 2018

What we do on a cold wet day

Nothing worse for young children than being stuck indoors because the weather is awful  so what do we do on a cold wet day? We put on wellies and waterproofs and go out and embrace it.

SIL1 went back to work this week, he works for a holiday camp and they close for six weeks over the winter period, so that is when he gets his holidays. So having had him off for six weeks the children have got used to him being there and Spud in particular misses him. So DD1 is looking for things to do with them to get them out to distract them. We had toyed with popping them into the mini bus and going somewhere but it was just to wet to go to that hassle, so we decided to go for a walk, the park is waterlogged after so much rain, so we opted for the back road instead.

So dressed in waterproof suits with a jacket on top and wellies we ventured out.

It really was just a walk, we did not get overly far but the children thoroughly enjoyed it.

There was one point a van passed us and we moved onto the grass verge out of the way, and poor Bob was stood near a puddle, and yes you guessed it, the van soaked him.....drenched from head to toe, and the look on his face as he just stood there in total disbelief, and being the loving adults we are we could do nothing but laugh.....his face was such a picture. He then saw the funny side and starting laughing as well.

Bob runs to catch up with us

Spud peaking out from under her hood

Spud tends to forget she is still only one and tries to copy everything that Minky does.  This of course leads to her falling over or slipping and sliding. For half of the walk Dinky was holding her mum's hand, but Spud objects to having to hold on and follows Minky into everywhere.

where Minky goes Spud needs to follow, but was a bit rough underfoot for her 

Minky throwing stones into the river

Dinky then throws stones in the river 

Minky jumped across this small dip in the grass

so Spud tries to follow, and slips on the way up as she can't jump 

and oops lands on her bum in the water 

We passed a group of walkers who were rather wet and muddy, they had been for a walk to and round the woods. They were a bit surprised to meet people out for a walk and were laughing at the children's pleasure in puddle jumping.

the bench is a good place to stop and then turn back 

poor Spud is cold and had enough so got carried most of the way home. 

Bob chasing the twins pretending to be a wicked witch with a wand 

Spud fell in the puddle that they were all playing in, the water splashed on her face so daughter wiped it off before wiping her hands. Was quite amazed the twins socks and clothes were still bone dry when we got back, unlike poor Spud who's wellies were full of puddles, her socks and trousers soaked as well as her jumper sleeves, no wonder she was cold. But she would not have wanted to stay in her pushchair had we taken in, she likes to join in. The older children would never have been allowed to splash in puddles at this age but very difficult to stop a younger sibling so close in age.

DD2 was laughing at the video, Bob has started calling me Grandmama when I phone, so now Minky calls me that as well but he had developed an English accent from somewhere and it is really rather comical.

Country Kids


  1. We love getting out whatever the weather too. If you're dressed appropriately there's nothing wrong with a wet day is there. poor Bob though! #CountryKids

  2. Looks like lots of fun in the puddles x


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