Saturday, 6 January 2018

Project 365 week 1

A short sentence for those coming across my blog for the first time through this project. The Grandchildren are Fifi (15) Bob (11) Minky and Dinky ( boy/girl twins of 4) and Spud (21months) they all belong to DD1 and live just round the corner. Ziggy is DD2's only child and is 16 months, they live approx 2 hrs away in Oban. DD3 does not have any children, the two sons ( and the seventh grandchild)  choose not to appear on the blog.

Well here we go again, will I complete another year?...only time will tell. Toyed with the idea of stopping blogging last year as really my blog is boring, but decided to carry on and see if I can be bothered to make something more of it than just 365. My blog will be seven in April, so going to keep it going until then but after that who knows. Started putting out feelers for prizes to run some giveaway for my anniversary.

Have given myself a shake this week, got to the stage with not working I am in a rut of " I will do it later" and later never comes. So feel better for having been out for a few walks, tidied some cupboards and spent some time in the kitchen making decent food, cold cooked pasta with oven cooked veg ,pots of soup and a few sugar free cakes

Also done some cross stitching and quilting, need to be pushing the arm to see how it goes as I so want to go back to work when my sick line runs out in two weeks. Hoping I can book in some of my holidays that need using up before the end of March and should be able to get one day every weekend off to ease myself back in slower.


We went down to Irvine to watch the New Year Big Dip. Very brave people indeed, I was cold stood watching. Here is a collage of the people in the sea. Link to my first blog post of the year here if you want a read. 


My baking cupboard has grated on one to many nerves in the last week. So today I bought come cheap baskets in the sale in Sainsbury, good old Nectar points, with the intention of sorting it. Hubby decided to put in an extra shelf for me, so I pulled it all out so he could get a shelf in and I knew it would then have to get done. I have tried plastic tubs for ingredients in the past but I get lazy and just leave the stuff in bags.
Think I will need to look in Argos to see if they have a two step stool so I can reach up there, may as well use my vouchers. Need one for the stuff stored on top of the cupboards anyway so wont go amiss.
Hubby also sorted out the pen drawer as every time I go for a pen they never work, so all the pans sorted and the none working ones thrown away.


Got up just after 6 when I woke cos the mess had been left as was busy doing other things last night, and I wanted it sorted, took me just over two hours but it all got put away. I also had enough baskets left so sorted the rice/pasta/tea/coffee as well. Also made a pot of soup and cooked pasta to go with the roast vegetables from last night, not bad before 9am.

DD1 had phoned to see if I fancied going out with them, but was too wet for the hassle of loading them into the car and driving somewhere with them. So we just took a wander along the back road. Poor Spud ended up soaked and freezing and poor wee soul cried most of the way home. You can read our walk post here. Not much of a post but enough to be memories for them when they get older.


Made a blanket for Spud's dolls pram that I was planning on making for her Christmas but could not manage. This is part of pushing my arm to see how it goes. Have halved my pain killers again this week though still taking the two tablets every night for the nerve pain. Just need to add her name to the bottom.

It has a padded back.


We change the smoke alarm batteries every new year, so today they were changed. That is them until next January.


Hubby has been wanting to move the small shed from the top of the garden down to the bottom since we moved in, but we needed to buy the other shed to store the contents in until it could be done, so having got the new shed up and organised he decided today was the day to make a start. Luckily enough the neighbour helped with this.
Went for a walk along the river in the afternoon, cold but sunny.


  1. I've only been blogging just over a year and already thinking about calling it quits but still going for now. Aww my heart goes out to Spud as I hate getting wet when out. #365

    1. I think the longer you are going the harder it is to give up. Your Project 365 is such a great way to record the lives of the children.

  2. Hope halving the painkillers means your arm is well on its way to recovery. I love the nectar point basket idea. I've been collecting points for about 10 years and never actually spent mine. I should look!

    1. you have to spend quite a bit to get anything much on Nectar but you can check your balance online, you might be surprised.

  3. Hope your arm is starting to heal then if you have cut the painkillers. I hope you decide to keep going with the blog even if you do less on it.

    1. yes it is starting to heal and hoping the challenging it goes ok as well.

  4. Good luck with the shed moving, love that blanket, you are clever. Those swimmers are mad aren't they!!! #365

  5. Oh my goodness, I can't believe people get in the cold sea! I don't even like doing any more than paddling even in August.
    Wow, you've been very organised this week. I'm impressed! It's good news that the arm is gradually getting better. I really hope you are able to get back to work in a couple of weeks.
    Also, it would be a real shame to give up blogging after all this time. It's such a good way of recording your memories, that the kids can look back on in future.

    1. it is a nice way for the kids to recall what we have done, but feel it is moving away from its title, in the early days it was predominately about the children but not so much now

  6. Hope halving the painkillers means your arm is on the mend. I Use nectar points too like this. Poor Spud. Your blog is yours & what it means to you x

    1. my blog means a lot to the family so important to them,

  7. I saw people doing the New Year Big Dip and thought they were crazy. It does look a lot of fun though.
    I really need to sort of my baking cupboard too. I have the tubs but never use them. lol
    The blanket is very cute. Good luck with the shed x

    1. tubs are a waste of time in my house, cereals are really the only thing that always go in them.

  8. Haha those people are crazy! I couldn't bring myself to get in water that cold! The blanket you are making is lovely - I hope your arm improves!

    1. no I was cold on the beach with layers on, cant do your body much good.

  9. I love having a good sort out! Good luck with the shed move #365

    1. the shed was fairly useless as it was so if it does not work then nothing lost. makes the garden better for the grandchildren to play in come the Summer as we can see them better.

  10. I can't believe that the twins are so old now, and that there's been another one arrive?! Wowsers. Looking forward to seeing their development throughout the year.

    1. Yes unplanned but not unwanted and very much loved.

  11. Those who do New Year dips are amazing, it always looks too cold for me to even go and watch. I just did my baking drawer - still waiting for our pantry to materialise, a big empty corner in the kitchen still remains :-S

    1. that's a shame, I hope you get your pantry sooner rather than later

  12. Oh wow just looking at the photos of the big tip make me feel cold! The water must have been freezing!!

    Love that blanket, it is so cute!

    1. it was freezing stood watching them, so rather them than me

  13. Thanks for the introduction at the start! Looking forward to finding out more about you all during #project365

    1. Your welcome, glad you found the introduction handy, there are a lot of them to try and work out who is who otherwise

  14. Oh I hope you don't stop blogging, even if you do only write about 'normal' stuff - the nosey cow in me loves reading about the normal day to day lives of people, which is why I like this project a lot!! Lovely photos - we didn't make it to watch our local New Years dip in the sea because it poured down with rain!

    1. I spent more than a year nosing into other people lives reading their blogs before I started mine. Had it been raining we were not going

  15. I hope your children realise just how lucky they are to have such a wonderful nanna, there are lots that could learn so much from you, both sets of mine included!

    1. aaaahhhh thank you, I get a lot of pleasure from them and love being included in their lives


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