Wednesday, 1 April 2020
My blogs 10th anniversary giveaway
On Sunday the 5th of April my blog turns ten yrs old. In those ten years we have added three SIL's and one DIL to the family mix, added seven more grandchildren to the original two that started the blog off. I have blogged about the three dogs, one at a time, and the many places we have been, the things we have done and the highs and lows of life.
My blog has included allergy free food, on it's ninth year of Project 365, lots of different craft activities that I have undertaken and I am currently doing year two of #Walk1000miles . A bloggers life may appear glamorous but that is just the edited details the public get to see and read about.
For the last few years I have done a series of giveaways by way of celebration. The plan was the same for this year but due to the current situation and the fragile state of the economy I currently only have this one lined up. I may add more as I go but no promises.
Well today is the first of April, and I have decided for today I am going to give away;
a pack of four toilet roll and a bag of pasta......seems kind of appropriate during the current crisis.
10th Anniversary giveaway
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House is spotless with all the cleaning I’m doing. Can’t wait to get back to work, and be able to visit my 90 year old Nan.
ReplyDeleteAaaah toilet roll .... I have to enter heeheehee !! Well, we're doing OK. I'm working my socks off so I don't really have time to think about what's going on - every morning, I put my day's lesson plans online and reply to new messages from the pupils and their parents, then I cook lunch, sort out Pierre's homework then it's back online to mark all the homework coming in. I had plans to have a big clearout at home but I haven't had a chance yet ! I'm going out once a week shopping at the local Lidl store (about 200m from our house) and the kids haven't been out at all for three weeks. Luckily we have Netflix and PS4 to keep us sane - Pierre plays on Fortnite so that he can chat with his friends :)
ReplyDeleteFinding it very confining, and all the extra precautions tiring, and the lack of shopping worrying.
ReplyDeleteNot going to lie, I am struggling as i have several health conditions and feel so anxious!
ReplyDeleteHaving lived with a severe disability for 13 years,the current situation is just normal for me.
ReplyDeletenot a bad prize in the current climate, Mary D
ReplyDeleteI was working but have just been furloughed so not sure what I'm going to do with myself now.
ReplyDeleteI'm fine. I'm doing things I normally didn't have the time to do. I'm also happy to be getting through my huge TBR list.
ReplyDeleteWe're doing ok, the kids are behaving well so far, I'm managing to get my work done and reading lots, we are just struggling to find pasta so this would be fab!!
ReplyDeleteWe're not doing too bad. We have plenty in to eat and everything we need so staying in isn't a problem. I am mostly enjoying spending some time with the kids now they can't go out with their friends.
ReplyDeleteHappy anniversary to your blog. 10 years is amazing! Fab giveaway! I think everyone needs loo roll & pasta at the moment. hehehe x
I am currently classed as a 'key worker' as I work in a supermarket. It really has been crazy, worse than Christmas lol! But I know I am in a much better situation than many many others so feeling thankful for that. Hope you are well too.
ReplyDeletejust coping so far
ReplyDeleteTrying to work from home but it's proving difficult and not really going out at all
ReplyDeleteMore chaos than anything else, 3 young children who dont understand the problems and want to go to school, one adult that wants to be at work and is cleaning anything that stands still,one out driving
ReplyDeleteI am fairing very well .I am able to continue working, and have plenty of hobbies to engage in .
ReplyDeleteI'm a crafter and keeping myself busy with all my different crafts and baking bread too!
ReplyDeleteI am doing ok. My sister and niece temporarily moved into my home just before the lock down so we are spending it together playing games. I miss my Mum, Dad and boyfriend a lot but we have to do this to save lives.
ReplyDeleteHa ha yes please
ReplyDeleteIm finding managing the home schooling a challenge. Thinking of graduating all 3 of them so I can get some of my own work done!
ReplyDeleteWorking through jobs to do on my list - got a long way to go!
ReplyDeleteNot keen on the wholewheat pasta, but that toilet paper is looking good!
ReplyDeleteFinding plenty of chores to keep me occupied so I am finding it ok and just grateful we are lucky enough not to have the virus.
ReplyDeletedoing well, have plenty of housework to keep me going for now!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely need some pasta and toilet roll. Lockdown is no fun as there are such long queues to get into the supermarkets to buy basic food.
ReplyDeleteJust a day by day thing to be honest, have done a lot of painting in the house but I've done it all now, decluttering too.
ReplyDeleteDrinking lots of wine and getting no work done!
ReplyDeleteWe seem to be quite enjoying the quietness with plenty of time to get up to date with all that stuff that we are npormally to busy to do.
ReplyDeleteI'm doing okay, busy working from home. My grandad is in hospital with pneumonia though and he's not doing very well at all and I am unable to see him as they aren't even letting my nan in. I'm very upset but need to keep on working as need to pay rent
ReplyDeleteI'd love this prize, it's so funny 😂!
ReplyDeleteI'm doing ok but I'm missing my sister and my boyfriend. I've never gone this long without seeing them before. But I'm with my parents and my cat.
ReplyDeleteI'm an emotional wreck trying to home school a 5 year old and care for a 12 week old whilst keeping them away from the spare room so Daddy can "work". I've cried for 2 days straight!
ReplyDeleteWell, we aren't doing to badly apart for the lack of toilet roll - we are all clenching!
ReplyDeletefeels a bit like i am in the twilight zone, i had a conversation on the phone with my eldest son about toilet roll, and a snapchat video call with my youngest son looking like Boris Johnson!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm reading a lot of books, and on my daily walk I'm delivering books to others who have nothing to do so they can cope better with the lockdown and have something to do xx
ReplyDeleteThankfully my two children keep me busy, we are actually making the most of this precious time just the 4 of us. We are baking, cooking, arts and crafts, outside obstacles and playing with resources we found in thw woods.
ReplyDeletetrying to stay positive and doing little jobs round the house
ReplyDeleteI am doing fine, I am trying to remain as positive, I am really looking forward to the summer so we can go out in the garden and tidy it up! :) I am enjoying not having unexpected visitors, I am enjoying the family time and I am actually enjoying not going out anywhere in the car (I done too much of that before) However I am not enjoying the homeschooling!
ReplyDeleteI'm ok at the mo,but i feel a few more weeks,and i'll be crawling up the walls x but ive renewed my interest in baking x
ReplyDeleteCan't believe there's no loo roll or pasta in the shops, so yes please! We have to rely on others for our shopping as forced to self-isolate.
ReplyDeleteNever thought I'd see the day this would be a prize, managing so far though
ReplyDeleteIt’s very surreal but I’m doing ok at the moment
ReplyDeletefantastic prize at moment thankyou
ReplyDeleteManaging okay just trying to keep busy and keep the kids occupied!
ReplyDeleteStarting to go a little bit crazy, I don't do well without the structure of work. Think today is day 18 for me so I'm losing the plot!
ReplyDeleteI'm used to being stuck indoors due to my disabilities but usually get my food shopping online/delivered which is proving impossible at the moment. Have had to send my son to the village shop to get us necessities which is proving to be rather expensive!
ReplyDeleteI'm doing OK. I've been off work for a few months unwell anyway. Getting concerned about the pasta shortage though!
ReplyDeleteDoing my best not to go stir crazy ... looking after one self isolating partner and his very difficult to please father who could do a lot more for himself than he bothers to! :o( Entering competitions is helping to keep me sane at the moment x
ReplyDeleteBest prize for current climate haha
ReplyDeleteThe thing I'm finding most difficult is home schooling my two children... Apart from that being stuck at home isn't bothering me, in fact I'm secretly enjoying not having to meet up with people!
ReplyDeleteNot well! I live alone and dont have many people to speak to! Slowly going insane. I have a list of things I would like to do in the next three weeks, but no motivation.
ReplyDeleteNot bad, we get out daily to walk the dogs and I'm keeping busy crafting and cooking. Not sure how it will be in a couple of weeks though.
ReplyDeleteLove this giveaway! 😁
ReplyDeleteUmm I'm bored of cleaning, the kids aren't going to bed as they haven't been as active as normal and my gin collection is looking bare ☹ but we are all healthy so that's the main thing!
At the moment i'm doing good just keeping myself busy and occupied at home
ReplyDeleteWe are doing okay keeping busy with crafts, baking walking and watching tv.
ReplyDeletenever again do i moan about little things once this is all over, when at the moment its a struggle to get food x
ReplyDeleteHello, I'm doing fine thank you, it gives me time to do some hobbies.
ReplyDeleteI'm doing ok as I don't really go out much anyway, it's hard not seeing my grandchildren but we are lucky to have video phones these days.
ReplyDeleteNow on day 21 of self-isolation because of our age. Hubby and I are lucky to have each other and never tire of each other's company (even after 50 years!) but have to admit as avid readers it is books that are keeping us sane in these troubled times.
ReplyDeleteim doing ok. enjoying the time of work but would love to be out hiking
ReplyDeleteWe're doing ok since we've got a garden we can get out into while the weathers good. Toilet rolls starting to get low, but looked up extra long shower hoses online just in case.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't say I'm doing too bad. Sad that my favourite local chippy has closed its doors, but that is only temporary until this situation is all sorted. In the meantime, I am only going out when I really need to.
ReplyDeleteHaha, what a fun idea for a prize! After years of working from home followed by getting a health condition that's kept me indoors a lot, I'm quite used to staying home although I do miss shopping trips (especially as I can't get an online order no mater how hard I try). I do worry about something happening to my Mum though - she lives 5 hours drive away and is 94, but how would we get there to visit her if she needed us? The place we stay when we visit her is closed, and I believe the motorway services are too so we wouldn't even be able to stop to visit the loo on the way!
ReplyDeleteWe're OK. I thought I would find it hard as normally I like being out on adventures but because it's to help save lives I'm actually OK with it. Worrying that my husband's business may not survive this though but we have to take every day as it comes.
ReplyDeletedoing just fine filling my time doing gardening and making jam from homegrown, last years, fruit
ReplyDeleteWe are doing ok trying to keep busy everyday. Little bit of relaxing time too which is so important
ReplyDeleteWould be a really nice price to win as I've been flat out working and do need something to lighten up my day.
ReplyDeleteI've been working extremely hard and it would be nice to have a prize to lighten up my day
ReplyDeletewould love to win,not found pasta for 3 weeks now
ReplyDeleteI am not doing too bad as I generally don't go out very much at all, my son has bought himself a keyboard to learn so hes occupied. My daughter hs mental health problems so trying to keep her occupied is quite difficult. Keep Safe everyone x
ReplyDeleteI am keeping myself very busy but I am really missing giving my grandchildren a hug and feeling a little hand in mine!
ReplyDeleteThe first shop i did during more enforced social distancing this week was pretty nice. Most people were considerate, although struggled to get any eye contact for some reason. The experience was pretty calm, and although the essentials were still sold out, other products, like meat and pet food were available, so hopefully the people who are stockpiling are calming down.
ReplyDeleteI’m a key worker, and my husband can work from home, so in one word, it’s a juggle! Trying to home school, while working all the hours while we are well certainly brings it’s challenges, but we feel lucky to be in this position.
ReplyDeleteI am scared and worried and missing family and friends.I am living with an elderly relative with several underlying medical conditions. I leave the house once a mont to pick up his medication and get some shopping. Even the dog is depressed as I dare not take the chance of taking her on walks. On the other hand I am pleased to say as yet all of my family and friends are well
ReplyDeleteLol I love the prize. We are lucky that we always have a good stock so it will go to food bank. My parents were locked down a week before everyone else as we were concerned at how it was looking. I am working at home, husband is looking after the children and we have a rota for our parents!
ReplyDeleteI got made redundant completely out of the blue before the Coronavirus took hold, currently looking for a new job but everyones put the recruitment on hold so I'm just getting loads of stuff done around the house
ReplyDeleteFeeling a bit fed up. Do daily exercise of a walk but always the same area, so we don't see anyone else. Shopping once a week but is horrible. Working from home is okay.
ReplyDeleteMy partner and I were considered critical key workers at the start of the lockdown however we are now both self isolating with our children.I am worried about family,friends,colleagues and neighbours however we have had family leave shopping for us so we wouldn't be without food but my health has rapidly declined due to stress.
ReplyDeleteFeeling very fortunate. We are both able to work from home, so doing OK.
ReplyDeleteWorking from home currently, feeling positive, keep motivated
ReplyDeleteI've been ill most of lockdown so have been sleeping lots, but made some online friends.
ReplyDeleteIt does seem quite a sought after prize at the moment.
ReplyDeleteDespite knowing how fortunate I am , I still have the odd down moments, I think we all do , I try not to worry about my daughters 300 miles away . We have a wonderful church WhatsApp group keeping up peoples spirits
ReplyDeleteWell I’ve been in lockdown for 5 weeks as I’ve been really ill so I’m just glad to be out the other end and getting better
ReplyDeleteWorking and feeling tired
ReplyDeleteI like to look on the bright side and say that I’ve never been so for l fit in all my life!
ReplyDeleteTrying to stay productive, making music and studying.
ReplyDeleteI'm feeling OK to be honest, 50/50 I'm glad I'm at home with my loved ones, vi couldn't think of anything better, but I'm also very anxious about other family members and wishing non of them get the Coronavirus. It's a horrible world at the minute, very scary x
ReplyDeleteWe are fairing quite well, going out only when essential supplies and dog walking needed. Spending time doing some Spring cleaning which I had kept putting off!
ReplyDeleteI am having okay days and bad days, trying to stay positive and not panic but very difficult
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to stay positive and do things that I haven't got round to doing
ReplyDeleteI never thought I'd miss going to work as much as I do. I'm trying to keep busy with home workouts, reading and doing online courses x
ReplyDeleteTrying to stay strong 💖x
ReplyDeleteHaving a routine, walking for one hour everyday
ReplyDeleteI have a 7 month old so I'm keeping super busy with him and making sure we get out for lots of walks with the pram.
ReplyDeleteOne minute I am fine then next minute I'm tearful,the hardest part of all is not knowing when I will see my granddaughter, but I am trying to keep busy which really helps.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely the best prize you can give in these odd times we've found ourselves in. Congrats on your 10th anniversary!
ReplyDeleteBeing a full time carer to my eldest son I use to spending a lot of time indoors
ReplyDeletePretty stressed! Managing kids and a husband from home is pretty tricky and I feel that I am the last person anyone thinks of!
ReplyDeleteSpring cleaning and having a complete house overhaul. Getting rid of everything we no longer need or use
ReplyDeletewe are doing ok so far kids are keeping me on my toes
ReplyDeleteI have been running around the house trying to tidy it whilst my 2 little boys are doing an excellent job of destroying it. I have had to deliver them to my parents house now, we have all been isolating, as today I am in the hospital hopefully bringing another healthy little bundle of joy in to the world.
ReplyDeleteTrying to keep as positive as possible, but really missing my life before this!
ReplyDeleteI have a 7 month old so we are keeping busy and we are used to being home a lot. My partner has now been furloughed so we can all spend time together and we are very lucky to have a garden to enjoy this lovely sunshine.
ReplyDeleteIt's not too bad at the moment with the weather being good enough to be out in the garden. Spending a lot of time trying to get slots for grocery deliveries though!
ReplyDeleteThis would be perfect for isolation =)
ReplyDeleteI have lost all sense of time and logic. I am taking risks in contacting people and applying for new opportunities. I am learning to code again. I am no reading but I have watched a lot of Gossip Girl.
ReplyDeleteActually feel like we're doing ok. Very much focusing on the mindset of it all and looking at it as an opportunity to learn new skills, bake more and just do things I enjoy.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely worth a go fingers crossed.
ReplyDeletegoing slightly mad but ok so far!
ReplyDeleteWe have good days and bad days (one child showing traits of ASD so cant cope with routine change and another with anxiety). On top of this i have had several worrying situations so have been dealing with that but we're managing.
ReplyDeleteI have fibromyalgia so don't go out much anyway - have my lovely other half at home and we're really lucky to be able to get out in the garden x
ReplyDeleteits fun
ReplyDeleteWe're not doing too badly, I'm quite surprised at how little the kids are fighting!
ReplyDeleteI'm finding that it suits me. The slower pace and being unsociable! I never realised how much of an introvert I am.
ReplyDeleteI'm finding it very confining and constantly worrying about getting enough food for meals
ReplyDeleteQuite well, getting used to it and getting a lot of cleaning done
ReplyDeletecompletely losing the plot got so much to do but no energy to do it
ReplyDeleteI am not doing too bad. Doing a lot of reading. Wouldn't mind winning the pasta as we eat loads in our house
ReplyDeleteI am in touch with the small things in life to be grateful for, and loving the quality time with my teenager, who normally i hardly see, so its nice...
ReplyDeleteIm a nurse at the hospital so im still going into work so doesnt feel too bad for me in that sense
ReplyDeleteWe are managing okay but hoping things will start getting back to normal soon!
ReplyDeleteWe are actually doing really well considering, keeping ourselves busy with lots of crafting and fun!
ReplyDeleteMaking memories off this year with my children, 1 will never remember it. #staysafe xx
ReplyDeleteWith so much spare time it's hard to find a new daily routine, but we're getting there slowly.
ReplyDeleteI'm doing ok! It was a real struggle at first as I live alone but I've been buying activities to keep myself busy, like jigsaws and puzzle books.
ReplyDeleteNot great but I'm getting on with jobs in the garden to keep my mind off things
ReplyDeleteIt could be worse. Just grateful that no one in our extended friends and family has become ill.
ReplyDeleteWe are doing okay! It's very helpful to keep busy and feel productive in some way. I've been baking lots and have planted up a vegetable patch in the garden!
ReplyDeleteI'm thriving & finding it very liberating! My partner, kids & I have grown closer and I've felt a lot calmer. I've found new hobbies & am actually saving money due to not having to pay £500 a month for after-school club!
ReplyDeleteI am doing fine. Having been through nearly 18 months of serious health problems I can actually enjoy the good weather now.
ReplyDeleteI am doing ok, bought a trampoline for my foster son who has adhd, he definitely needed to let off some energy! Missing seeing my Mum and daughter and grown up foster children who have learning disabilities and don't understand why they can't see 'mum'.
ReplyDeletewe are doing ok. the freezer and cupboards are being emptied slowly, using up alot of stuff that has been sitting around for a while. also nice to get out and have a walk everyday.... meeting with the people down the road that we haven't ever seen.
ReplyDeleteI am getting better at coping with lock down. Luckily I have a love garden that I have been tending to.
ReplyDeleteGetting better with it. Been a struggle as I like to be socialable
ReplyDeleteStruggling a little but trying to keep busy and into a routine with my children
ReplyDeleteI think going to work is keeping me sane, even if it is as a frontline nurse. Its getting out of the house and talking to other people rather than just the hubby.
ReplyDeleteSo far so good, but the sunshine has really helped as out in the garden a lot.
ReplyDeleteI can cope with lockdown, it is not knowing whether I have had covid or not that is worrying
ReplyDeleteWe are trying to keep calm - it's all incredibly worrying. Being in the garden in the sunshine has helped. Both my son and daughter are in London so that's an extra worry as there are so many cases there.
ReplyDeleteHazel Rea @beachrambler
Doing fine here, enjoying spending time with my kids and getting my house in order.
ReplyDeleteFilling my time trying to find places on line that deliver so I don't need to go out as feeling pretty anxious
ReplyDeleteDoesn't really make much difference to me as I rarely go out apart from walking the dog
ReplyDeleteLoving the peace and quiet , enjoying me time.
ReplyDeleteI have my good days when I feel I have got this and I'm doing the best for my children and then I have my days when TV is needed just to give me a bit of breathing time from the children. I'm missing work, my friends and actually getting out of the house
ReplyDeleteTbh struggling!!! 5th week working from home, my work have been very supportive and I work for a bank. It's the whole concept I'm struggling with and life in hold. Feel so sad and angry. Hubby is now at home and trying to keep spirits up
ReplyDeleteJust happy the sun is shining 😁
ReplyDeleteSad times normally would be looking after our grandson as we've had him since he was born while his mum and dad work . Going from that and not seeing him is pretty heart wrenching . Trying to keep busy crafting and making things and my hubby likes been in the garage and the garden but will be glad when it's all over with
ReplyDeleteI'm fine , however the novelty of working from home has worn off .
ReplyDeletePC is on but sat here listening to music and entering your giveaway 😂
I'm doing ok. Surprisingly my 5 kids are actually getting on really well which helps hugely
ReplyDeleteI have been concentrating on taming my garden - something I don't usually have time for. I think I am ready to retire now as I am keeping very busy!
ReplyDeleteKeeping well - doing some exercise daily, keeping in touch with people and keeping busy working from home.
ReplyDeleteSlightly struggling more this week than the last one. Been reading a lot and watching loads of stuff on the TV that I don't usually have time for.
ReplyDeleteIt's very fun and exhausting being at home with 4 children, my biggest tester is definitely my 2 year old son.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest I'm struggling as have underlying health conditions, but at least the weather is nice.
ReplyDeleteJust Fine, Well Online Deliver my Prescriptions with the aid of the Post Office, and Sainsbury's deliver my food, I have Plenty of DVD's and CD's of all types. Plus I keep in contact with my sons etc with the Phone and Internet. Since I am 74 with COPD and Diabetic I am glad to be alive and started to Isolate well before Government told me to.
ReplyDeleteJust carrying on as normal keeping things calm for children
ReplyDeleteTrying to find a new daily routine and finding new hobbies and things to do.
ReplyDeleteI'm a hairdressers so stopped working to look after my daughter her dad's a key worker and works away I'm finding it hard
ReplyDeleteDoing ok, busy with the children and trying to work! but enjoying the sunshine!
ReplyDeleteIt hasn't been easy, eldest son is on furlough leave, daughter completing vocational college course from home and youngest son has severe learning difficulties & a plethora of health issues, he hasn't coped well with the changes in routine, me & husband are stumbling along amidst it all..but we're safe & generally in fairly good spirits.
ReplyDeleteIt's a struggle, home schooling and working 2 jobs from home. Trying to stick to a schedule and it is mainly working
ReplyDeletewe moved into this house just before Christmas so we're spending the lock down sorting our the new garden, its a bit of a jungle but has been great watching all the little surprises open up,
ReplyDeletedoing ok used to being in i have many health conditions
ReplyDeleteI am playing lots of music and then learning it on guitar
ReplyDeleteNot too bad but really missing my baby grandson
ReplyDeleteI'm doing OK most of the time, used to being at home a lot anyway as I'm disabled
ReplyDeleteDoing okay watching movies x
ReplyDeleteI'm getting used to not being able to leave. To be fair, I've been disabled for the past 7 years, so not leaving the house when I wanted to was already somewhat a reality, but not being able to leave at all, is quite stressful. Not as stressful I'm sure as for those that still have to go out to work, especially on the front lines. I'm so grateful that my little family are together and safe. I do worry for and miss my extended family though. I also find myself worrying that this will last a hell of a lot longer than everyone expects it to!
ReplyDeletewe're having great fun working in the garden and painting the outside of the house
ReplyDeleteIt's a great little giveaway especially when you can't get any pasta 😂😂