Saturday, 11 July 2020

Project 366 week 28.


Some knitting before work and home showered, fed and bed pretty much. 
Spotted these a while ago and decided to treat myself to a piece of history. Including postage it cost me £21, and for that it is a good quality fleece. Asked for the NHS to be in blue as Scotland uses the blue rather than the white they showed on the samples. If you fancy a piece of history then you can buy one here 

Lilly dogs third anniversary today. 
Puttered around the garden and walked the dog, did some knitting and some tv watching in the evening as well as a few hours with an audiobook during the day.  
The garden is coming on well that hubby has been working in over the last few months while I sit and craft.  


Dropped off at DD1 to pick up her empty shielding boxes, hubby is replacing some of the older many times reused cardboard boxes in the loft with good quality newer ones. This time the boxes were not empty, her shelves are rather full so we benefited from a few tins and some pasta.  

She had also run out of “cheapy piriton” so I stuck my head in the chemist, picked her a box up, open her front door and tossed them on across to the table without going in and left again. Took her a while to work out where they had come from as she did not see me do it.  

We were going to walk the dog down the woods before tea but it was still too warm, so left it until after tea and went somewhere different as far too many midges down the woods in an evening. works in mysterious ways.....ended up using a defib on somebody, they make CPR a lot less scary as it monitors what you are doing and tells you press harder etc., an interesting experience but not one I wish to repeat any time soon. A 19 min call to 999 with one person putting my phone onto loud speaker and holding it for me and another passer by helping with the CPR. He was alive when he got in the ambulance. Once the emergency services turned up we prepped the defib machine for the next person who might need it and informed the responsible person that we had used it and it needed another set of pads to be added. 
The first aid training I had back in Feb all kicked in and the training gave me the confidence to take control, issue orders to people and get on and do what needed doing.  Thanks to the Active Travel Hub for the free training. 
We then carried on with the dog walk.  


Hubby went to cut DD1 grass for her. I did a pile of housework and some knitting.  
Flipping heck my stomach muscles don’t have ache, taking it that it was the CPR that worked them.  
DD2 messaged to ask would I go and pick up something she had seen on a local Facebook selling site. Walked the dog while we were in that area. Nipped to find condensed milk as Fifi is wanting to make things with it and Asda has had none for weeks. Picked up a few reduced items for the freezer while I was there as well as some well reduced fruit for us and DD1.  

Loved this log, almost looks like a shark so had to get the dog to pose for us. 


 Tuesday night now seems so surreal. 

I am doing a carbon literacy course online and had one of the tutorials today, third of four. Struggling with the google classroom side of things, as are others, a new platform for ever one involved, but the course itself is proving to be interesting.  

Took the dog for a walk round a local country estate, a lot of it is getting rather overgrown.  
Nipped round to a friend on the way back, she was clearing some of her cupboards and found a bag of knitting wool and was kind enough to rehome it with me. I swapped her it for some egg boxes.  
Made a bread and butter pudding and a fruit cake.  

Had a phone call from DD2 and we are trying to arrange a date to go visit. 

This is part of my latest creation, but not showing any more at this stage. Looking good though. 


Now we are allowed to travel further I decided to nip to Glasgow to spend the £50 Waitrose voucher I won a while back; we don’t have any here in Ayrshire. Picked up  main meals with it, enough to do a fortnight or more, as well as a few wee treats. 

Took the dog as well and went for a walk round a nearby park. The car park was nearly full and all the walks were very busy but everyone was very conscious of social distancing.  This is a load of padlocks on the fence at the waterfall. 


Mileage for the year is sitting at 968.67 miles, should make the 1000 by the end of the week.  

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  1. The new fleece looks fab. It really is a piece of history.
    Your garden is looking great. It looks like your hubby has been working hard.
    Oh wow! What a scary situation to be in using the defibrillator on someone. It sounds like you were in the right place at the right time.
    Well done on your Waitrose win and your walking x

  2. Wow, that must have been very scary to use the defibrillator on someone! Very well done for stepping up and saving his life.
    You are so close with your walking. That is a great total.
    Your new fleece looks great and is definitely a bargain.

  3. Wow, well done on using your first aid skills and sorting out a scary situation. The defibrillators are great, as they give so much guidance. Your new craft project looks very pretty. Love the new fleece - a great way of looking back on this period in the future. The log definitely does look like a shark !

  4. Well done with the walking. And great job on doing the defib. I've never known anyone use one of the local hub ones, so it's great to know how valueable they can be, and that they're straightforward to use.

  5. Wow well done on you on taking charge and helping do CPR etc. Not sure I would have known what to do in that situation! Should really do a first aid course as the last one I did was at school.

    Happy 3rd Anniversary to Lily!

  6. Elaine that is amazing what you did to save that persons life, well done to you and the others who helped out. Love the fleece, well done on with the waitrose voucher and it did make me chuckle your daughter not knowing where her meds had come from

  7. That's a cool sweater. Happy birthday, Lilly dog! The garden does look amazing. Hahaha must have been weird thinking where the mysterious box came from. Wow, so great that you were there and able to save the person. This simple skill is so essential. Hahaha the log does look like a shark. The question is Who's biting who?
    Knitting work looks great so far. What do the padlocks signify? Great job on the miles!

  8. Oh my gosh! What an adventure packed walk - I hope the guy is ok! How lucky to have you there at the time, First Aid Training is such a fantastic idea for all, just in case! It helps you to stay calm in the situation!
    Hope Lilly enjoyed her doggy birthday! :)
    Good to hear you have enjoyed some lovely (and eventful) walks and that people are social distancing! Hope you are having a lovely week! Sim x

  9. How lucky that you were on hand and had been trained! I wish first aid was compulsory for kids in schools #project366

  10. You're very close to finishing your map now - well done on the walking. I'm really impressed by your use of the defibrilator - I hope all went well with your patient.

  11. That fleece is lovely and your garden is looking lovely too. So nice to see things growing. How scary to have to use a defib on someone but good to hear that the person was alive when they got him into the ambulance. I hope he was okay. That log really does look like a shark – the photo of your dog with it made me smile. Well done on being so close to reaching your 1000 miles. #project366

  12. That's funny she didn't see you through it in and was clueless where it had come from! Your garden looks fabulous. So glad you were there to save the day on your walk, I wouldn't have a clue what to do in an emergency. Look forward to seeing more of your creation soon hopefully.

  13. Your new fleece looks lovely! What a scary situation to find yourself in, but big well done for helping someone with a defib! I wouldn't know where to start. Hope the person you helped is doing better now. The log does look like a shark. Great photo! Love the look of your new knitting project. And your garden looks so neat and organised.

  14. Using a defib is scary, but well done on saving someone, you must feel very proud. Love your fleece, I feel like I should get something to remind us of what happened

  15. Wow, well done on using your first aid skills and sorting out a scary situation. That is awesome. The defibrillators are great, as they give so much guidance. We have them at a lot of the sports facilities now, it makes such a different. Your new craft project looks very pretty. And I love the new fleece xxx


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