Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Kiqplan Slim and Trim Plan Giveaway

I have been using my Fitorb for a few weeks now, and I have been using a weight loss plan from Kiqplan called Slim and Trim along with it. Kiqplan have eight different plans available at the moment why not have a look here?

What is Kiqplan Slim and Trim?

Slim + Trima weight loss program for women of all shapes and sizes

Kiqplan is your very own trainer, nutritionist and motivational coach all in one app. In 12 weeks, we’ll help you trim, tone and tighten so you feel amazing. More than amazing. Amazinger.
To us, the route to looking and feeling great is not just dieting, hitting the gym and clocking up miles on the treadmill. It’s about feeling confident in that little black dress, looking in the mirror and loving the reflection you see, and most importantly, feeling good in the skin that you’re in.
That’s why we’ve created Slim + Trim, a 12 week plan that works with all leading activity trackers, fitness apps, smartwatches and smartphones. The Kiqplan app “talks” to your device, tracking your daily achievements and putting your data to work. Your personal plan not only sets you weekly targets to get you trim and toned, but advises you on everything from snacking and meal planning, to how to get more sleep (we all could do with more of that!) and builds a program week on week to support the healthy choices needed to stay in shape for the long-term.

Feeling fantastic is about the whole package of workouts, nutrition and rest. The program includes:
Step and calorie targets tailored to your individual goals and daily progress
Full body video workouts to maximize calorie burn and tone
High intensity circuit workouts to increase fitness and stamina levels
Easy-to-follow advice from our team of nutritional and fitness experts
Recipes created using the best mix of nutrients for successful weight loss
Easy food diary with barcode scanning and all your favourite foods
Motivational feedback on your progress and a nudge of encouragement when you need it!

I have also been given the chance to run a give away for one of my readers to win the same plan, and it is easy to enter using rafflecopter.  Please note comments are moderated and will not show until I have moderated them, This stops  the spam. 

As an alternative you could try Orlistat, the only licensed pill proven to aid weight loss. 

Competition closes 19th August at 23.59. Open to UK residents only 

ThePrizeFinder - See more at:

SuperLucky Blog Giveaway Linky


  1. I really need a kick start to loose some weight, my mojo has totally gone.

  2. I've had a knee problem that has prevented me exercising for two years and have gained nearly three stone - now the issue is dealt with, I need to get fit again!

  3. I'd love to try this as a boost to shedding the baby weight

  4. I'd love to win because I am trying to lose about 2 stone, and I need something new to give me a kick in the right direction.

  5. Have put on two stone in my last pregnancy and want to start exercising. Don't know were to start!
    Joanne O'Neill

  6. I would really like this as something to spur me into being healthier. I have a long, long, long, long way to go!

  7. Because I am really struggling to lose my baby weight after 3 kids

    Kay Panayi

  8. Just started at the gym, and need motivation as well as some clue what to do to get the fittest possible.

  9. ive been struggling to lose weight ever since i gave birth to my daughter and that was nearly 4 years ago. i was a size 12 before her and now i'm a size 18. this would really be a great help :)

  10. I want to be healthier and address my weight issues.

  11. I had a bowel operation 2 years ago .. I now need to get my tummy back in shape

  12. I have already lost 11 stone but need some serious help to lose the last 3!! :)

  13. i'd love to win this as now i have no motivation and always say "ill start on monday" and never do :)

  14. I've been trying to get fit, and would love to win this as it works with the Jawbone UP which I'm using, I just need an extra push to get some more activities/walks in

  15. Trying to loose weight and would like some healthy recipes and expert advice about nutrition

  16. I am slowly losing weight but need more motivation to get moving, hopefully this prize would encourage me to get off the sofa of an evening.

  17. Need a swift kick up the rather large behind :) Just started out jogging, got my first 10 mile run in October!

  18. This would be great to help me loose My "Jack-Hang" which I was graced with after the birth of my son ;-)

  19. I've just had baby number 2 and am currently doing slimming world but really struggling to build in any exercise- this kit would be perfect for me and will hopefully help me get rid of the mummy tummy!!

  20. I would like to win because I have tried lots of diets but nothing has worked for me

  21. I look slim but I'm really unfit, I need some impetus to get on and improve my health before its too late!

  22. I need a little exercise boost and this looks interested and I would love to give it a go!

  23. i need some motivation,i think this would really motivate me

  24. I'm due my second child in October so would love this to help me lose the baby weight and get back in shape quickly and safely.

  25. Got to start somewhere:). And I probably need a good #kickstart, love to try

  26. the gym isant helping that much and need a way to keep track of everything


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