Saturday 4 July 2015

Project 365 week 27


Looking for different things to eat in my break at work, and found these and some lentil chips in the health food shop. Very yummy they were too. A bit healthier than normal crisps. I have been and had a look at their website and they do a huge array of products, must have a look out for some more. 

a healthier style of snack


Hubby bought himself a new toy and had to wait till it stopped raining so that he could use it. He has been putting it to good use this week.

cutting our hedge


Was round at Daughter No1's house as hubby was looking at the task of clearing up the garden for them, Bob and I were playing rolling the ball up and down the slide, sticking sticky willy to each other and generally playing at nutters in the garden whle they talked business. He decided he did not want his photo taken and was climbing to the top to get out of reach of the camera.....hmmm sadly for him the zoom works.

love the moody clouds


Far far far to hot to be alive. I was awake as the sun was rising just after 4 am, quite pretty it was too. Spent a few hours out with Bob and the gruesome twosome as hubby, daughter and son in law were busy in the garden. I had been helping to clear but there were too many very large eight legged creatures and they were items going in the boot of her car to go to the dump and there was no way I was getting in the car with them!! You would see it on the news "mad woman causes multi car pile up leaping from car at 60mph on the bypass"

So we went for a walk. Bob asked to go to the big park but people will have been eating ice cream and I explained to him it would not be safe. So we went for a walk along the back roads where we had shade some of the time. We had plentiful discussions including the life cycle of a butterfly, the life cycle of a tree when we spotted a dead one covered in ivy and even how to tell the sex of a cow/bull apart from the ring through the nose. 

sunrise at silly o'clock


Fifi was away at a Guide camp so just Bob to have over tonight.He has been wanting to go fishing with granddad for a while, so we took off to the river for some casting practise. He had quite a bit of fun and really enjoyed himself despite it raining for some of the time.

fishing in the rain


Never say the West coast of Scotland does not get warm, this was the temperature at 5.40 pm today. I have not been out any more than I have to be this week. Desperate to get some geocaching dont to take me over my 400th but its not happening in this weather.

no wonder I am melting


It has been far far far to warm this week and so we have been eating fridge food. I cooked up pasta, baby boiled potatoes and boiled eggs. Add to that a pile of salad and cooked cold peas and sweetcorn and some cold meat and that has been it all week, Much easier to pick at when hungry and better than junk if healthy things are available.Even got hubby onto eating mini shredded wheat this week, a big change from the man who only ever ate biscuits for his breakfast.
One of the things I made were sweet almond Yorkshire pudding.
Quantities vary depending on how many you want to make and it is one of those foods I never measure anything.

 Mix almond milk with eggs and a drop of sugar. Stir through some flaked almonds and linseed then add enough flour to make a medium batter. Pour some oil into a muffin tin and allow to heat in a hot oven (180 oC) and pour mixture into the tins, Cook for approx 12 mins and allow to cool. Serve with yoghurt. I usually make my own yoghurt but decided this time to treat myself and try these new ones I saw - and very nice it was too.


  1. I'd love to try those quinoa chips. That sunrise looks gorgeous, some good out of waking up early. Brilliant recipe, thanks for sharing xx

    1. they chips come in many different flavours, I will need to try some of the others

  2. Ohh those Quinoa chips sound interesting...It looks like your hubby has been hard at work! It's fab that it has been so hot up here in the North of the UK....hehehe Shame it isn't so nice today.

    1. the chips were very nice, and a much better idea than normal crisps.
      Far to warm up here!!

  3. Lovely photo of fishing in the rain, and the moody clouds are atmospheric. I haven't tried quinoa crisps, they do sound very healthy.

  4. Never heard of lentil crisps, must look out for them! Love the moody clouds in the climbing frame photo too - I always love clouds. #365

    1. yes I like cloud pictures as well, either moody, sunset or sunrise

  5. Those lentil chips look yum - I love sour cream and chive flavours! We only had full suns all day on Tuesday - then so warm - not as warm as with you though! Lots of cloud here :( keep cool!! Kaz x

    1. I like sour cream and chive as well, but will try some of the other flavours

  6. It really has been too hot this week! You even beat our temperature! Love the photo of Bob sulking and hiding from the camera and the photo of him fishing.

    1. I have other pics of the bottom of his foot when on the swing, and behind the frame on the slide, but loved the clouds on that one

  7. I like the look of those snacks and your dinners sound lovely too. We are having to fit meals around Little E and what she can eat so I feel a bit restricted at the moment. I'm very jealous of your rain. It looks like ours is coming tomorrow when we are meant to be going for a picnic in the park :0(

    1. yes we only have 2 adults to consider, I made Bob pancakes as a cop out for him as I had boiled eggs and tatties in the same pan and could not risk any contamination.

  8. Ooh, quinoa chips sound nice! Love the shot of Bob on the climbing frame. It's been hotter with you than over here :) Have to admit I love it when it's hot! Your husband made a great job of that hedge :)

    1. its amazing how badly adapted we are here to cope with the heat, it just does not happen to this extent here that often ( thankfully)

  9. it has been hot this week - stuffy and muggy and at times uncomfortable.
    Bob looks like he is having a lovely time fly fishing. such a sham about the park and the risk of ice creams - it must be hard for him at times. made me smile that you managed to get a zoomed in pic of him anyway lol x

    1. it is hard for him at times, but if the option is to make him ill or worse then I have to do it - cruel to be kind

  10. Good for Bob going fishing - my son would like to try it, but we don't know anyone to teach him.

    1. thats a shame as Bob does love going fishing

  11. I love your sunrise, so striking, Guy would love to go fishing with Bob.

    1. give us a shout if you are ever in the area and he can join us

  12. Love the look of those chips! And beautiful sunrise! And I has been to hot to do much!

  13. I couldn't cope with the heat last week. It's felt a lot lot cooler this week, feels like a relief! I've never been too keen on quinoa but those crisps look very nice :)

  14. It really has been warm this week hasn't it! We spent most of it indoors as it was too hot to go out and play too much! Your hubby looks like he was having fun with his hedge trimmer :D

  15. I do like the look of those crisps. Could I borrow your husband please, I can never get my hedge to look as good as that - straight it ain't! #365

  16. cutting the hedge looks fun, but i bet the clearing up was a chore. What is it with the weather in the UK, I'm back in Dubai tomorrow and think I may melt


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