Saturday, 26 November 2016

Project 366 week 47

Been a COLD week here this week with temperatures not rising above freezing even during the day. But we have had dry bright sunny days, no heat in the sun I have to say, with little or no wind so has made for some nice walks.


The girls at work laugh at me cos hubby spoils me by getting out of his bed and defrosting and scrapping my car for me to go to work in. I think it is just so he gets peace quicker.But no matter the reason I appreciate it.


Two more birthdays, that is four within five days. Today the twins turned three. I made their cakes and took them down, but they were not getting candles on or allowed to eat them until after they had had their tea. For the last two years I have got away with one cake between the two of them, this year I made them a smaller one each.


Have had some beautiful sunsets here this week. A lot of freezing cold weather to go with it right enough. Loved the marshmallow clouds.


A picture of Spud with a sticker on her nose, Granddad stuck the sticker on her.


Had to go and pick my glasses up from the opticians so we went for a walk along the beach. Did not get far as there were too many other dogs on the beach but Lilly had fun in her wee patch. There was snow on top of Arran but a strange yellowish mist rising off the sea that covered a lot of the isle. Hubby wandered into the water to see how deep it was, not overly for a long way out, but silly Lilly followed him, she did not stay in the freezing water for too long.



Bought some reduced pears and plums after picking up my glasses. So made a pear and plum crumble and served it with coconut almond milk custard. Very nice it was too.

coconut almond milk custard


The cross stitching is coming along nicely, one more to do for Dinky, it is started, so am on course for having them finished for the first week in December, Just have to edge them and stitch them onto the blankets. Hopefully they will appreciate the work in years to come as Fifi does.


  1. Your cross stitch is lovely! It's great the Fifi still appreciates the work you put into it. Our weather was very wet at the start of the week. I think I'd prefer your weather!

  2. Happy birthday to the twins!!

    That is so lovely of your hubby to do that! You have been getting some gorgeous sunsets, that one is stunning!

    1. have to say hubby's help is much appreciated.

  3. Happy Birthday to the twins! Love how they get a cake each. The owl is lovely.

    1. Think it will need to be a cake each from now on.

  4. love the photo of your hubby and Lily in the water. I cannot believe the twins are 3 already! That time has flown by Elaine. lovely that you make all of the cakes for the family. Your crumble looks delicious - making me hungry. What a lovey hubby to get your car ready for you :) x

    1. I know the 3 years have flown by. Home made cakes are the best.

  5. That owl is fab, can't wait to see it all together. I'm sure they will be appreciated. I made my niece and nephew cross stitch stockings for their first Christmas's and even though they are in their 20's they still use them every year. Love the photo of your hubby and Lily in the sea and I think he's fab for scraping your car, my OH wouldn't even think of doing that. Hope all the birthdays are going well #366

    1. Xanders one is completed today so will be on this weeks one.Nice they still use their stockings. The older 2 have personalised 3d felt stockings I made them years ago as well.

  6. we don't have a garage, our car parks in front of my living room window.

  7. Happy birthday to the twins, that's lovely having hubby get the car ready for work for you and the cross stitch is great


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