Sunday, 7 May 2017

Project 365 week 18


Breakfast is a very laid back affair for Ziggy. Terrible when I have visitors, they want to use my dining room table to eat at.....its not there for eating its there as the new home for my sewing machine and other related equipment,


Some bubble fun while her mum was loading the car to go home.


A walk along to bluebell wood with hubby and the dog He crossed the river to be amongst the biggest spread of them.


Got a wedding at the end of the month so was going to leave my hair until then. But I am away to a conference at the weekend so decided to get it done now.


The first bit of sewing I have done in a while. Just needs the hand stitching doing at the bottom now.


Away to Glasgow for a H&S conference. This was the sunset view from the hotel.


Once the training day was finished we had a while to spare before the evening meal, so I took a walk along the Clyde walkway to the Science Centre and did some caching and taking some photos on the way. Loved the reflection in the BBC Scotland building.


  1. Fab photos. Ahh! Good on your husband crossing the river to get among the bluebells. That last photo is fantastic. What a great reflection x

  2. Love the train cover and that reflection photo is brilliant. I do love to see objects from alternative angles

    1. The whole glass fronted building screamed out to have the picture taken.

  3. Love the photo of Ziggy at the table and the reflection in the BBC building is fantastic! I hope your hair turned out well :)

    1. very pleased with my hair, adds to your confidence if nothing else.

  4. wow ziggy ia looking so big now, shame you have to keep emptying the dining room table of your sewing gear, do you have a pic of after you had your hair done. Hope the conference went well and that your dinners didn't all go to waste in favour of too many kebabs

  5. That expression with the bubbles is just priceless. Love the latest craft work. Hope the conference went well #365

  6. Love the bubble pictures....looks so excited bless!

    The reflection is pretty cool! Love the sewing.

  7. such a sweet photo of Ziggy enjoying the bubbles. What a lot not bluebells you found - I have seen them dotted about the last couple of weeks, I do enjoy seeing them. I need too get my hair done but my hairdresser cannot come to me until 6th June - eeeek!
    Great train too x


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.