Thursday, 19 November 2015

Dreams of fast cars and space ships

A guest post written by my husband.
As a young boy growing up in the early 1960s like many others I had many dreams and ideas about what I was going to be when I grew up. The ideas ranged from many things (changing almost daily) such as a cowboy, a spaceman, well the space race was going on at the time, and even at one point and for some strange unknown reason a pantomime horse.

image by TAW4 from

Towards the end of the decade as I was getting a little older, and somewhat wiser, and more than likely because by this time I was reading the plethora of adventure comics that were around at that time such as The Hotspur, Valiant and Tiger to name a few my aspirations changed somewhat and I decided I wanted to be either a Spitfire Pilot, a Racing Car Driver or a Power Boat Racer, not quite the same I  am sure you will agree as a pantomime horse.

image by Aleks Melmik from

Anyway those were my dreams and as the decades progressed unrelentingly onwards it became more apparent that those dreams were not going to be realised. First came the sensible job followed by marriage and then the children. My sense of adventure was curtailed to getting dizzy on the roundabout at the local park or occasionally trying to show the kids that I could still ride a bicycle without falling off.

image by Stuart Miles from

Now  heading quicker than I would like towards my twilight years I have resigned those dreams to that region of my brain where such things reside when someone pointed out that it was never too late for adventure and indeed they were correct when I discovered this fantastic company.
I suddenly realised that maybe I could fly a plane, drive a fast car, or indeed power a fast boat along a lake, dreams of being the next Douglas Bader, Jackie Stewart or Malcolm Campbell started to reassert themselves in my brain. This is a hint to the family if they are looking for something for my Christmas. However the Spaceman may remain a little trickier to achieve.

PR Collaboration


  1. Woweee! Into The Blue look amazing! My daddy is very much the same and would love an adventure experience for Christmas. Something a bit different an escapism from everyday family life! We'll be checking out this company for ideas! Thanks for sharing x

    1. your welcome, hope you dad likes it if you get him an experience for Christmas

  2. We should never give up our dreams because of age. Every thing is possible at anytime, and I hope you get to experience some of yours.

  3. Never give up on your dreams. There is a lovely poem I read once that I have long committed to memory. It starts "a small boy heard the mountain speak" and goes on throughout his life making excuses for why he didn't do what he wanted to do. The last verse is so poignant "and all too soon the secrets are buried, along with him and the regrets he carried but it's not the loss of the secrets he cried but rather because he never tried".

    1. I agree, dreams are for acting upon. Well done on remembering all the poem

  4. This looks amazing, it's so important to have dreams and to follow them! I love the idea of experiences has presents and they last forever

  5. This company sound great - I too hope you have some of these amazing experiences. Kaz x

    1. I love how these make for a different present.

  6. What a lovely guest post! I'm all for staying in touch with your inner child! :) my dad would love this!

    1. Well a man in his 50's will be going through a second childhood anyway!!

  7. We love adventure experiences and love to push the boundaries - experience days make great gifts

    1. it is definitely nice to push yourself and have new experiences


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