Saturday, 28 November 2015

Project 365 week 48


Love this time of the year, lots of shops sell this, yum yum yum.

I love this stuff


Had a moan about hubby eating the jelly from the trifle last week, the only bit I eat, so being the lovely man that he is he made me some potato scones while I was out.

home made potato scones


Sharing this for those of you who might not have seen it. There has been a safety warning issues for Indesit, Creda and Hotpoint tumble dryers. Some of them can be a fire risk and need an adjustment. You can check here if yours is affected here.  Yes I deliberately blurred my serial number.


Went to meet up with a friend for a catch up and while there had a wander round the Christmas department, could have spent a fortune.

some of the Christmas decorations 


Dinky is not very keen on being away from home without either mum or dad so normally when I babysit them I have them down there. But they were wanting to do some sorting out that they could not do with the twins around so I brought them up here. Apart from a few minutes of settling in she was fine. No tears or temper tantrums just four hours of fun. The two of them spent ages playing with a tea pot that sounds like it is pouring tea and pouring it into the cups and we all drunk it a few hundred times.

an indoor picnic


Bob decided he was staying over night. In the morning he had a couple of satsumas as part of his breakfast. After I had put it on the table for him and before he got to eat it Granddad had drawn a face on it and placed it back down on the table so Bob got a fright when he picked it up, and made us both laugh.

just what you expect to find


Today is my birthday, the seventh one in four weeks, Thankfully no more now until February.
Daughter made me a cake and Bob spent an hour making a pooh bear that would sit up on my cake from fondant icing. He told me that I taught him well. The rewards are worth the training.

a fondant icing Pooh bear

the cake with Eeyores house built out of matchmakers 


  1. Love your diary. Drawing faces on satsumas that's a grandad thing!

    1. yes it is a granddad thing, and things that grandchildren remember.

  2. i hope you have had a very happy birthday Elaine - thats cake is just lovely and so nice that all of your cooking skills are being picked up and used by your grandchildren
    i thin your hubby more than made up for eating the jelly by baking you those scones :) xx

    1. It is nice that my skills are passed on, I feel home baking. well any type of cooking from scratch, is not as common as it was and I feel we need to teach them while they are young so it is considered normal every day.

  3. aaa happy belated birthday, hope you had a fab day! I think Thurday's photo is my favourite such cuties x

    1. yes they are cute arent they. Thank you, it was a nice day

  4. Well done Bob on his cake efforts. Hope you had a lovely birthday.

    1. I did thank yiu, and Bob did do well I agree.

  5. I hope you had a lovely birthday yesterday, your cake looks delicious! The twins are getting so big now, it is so scary how quickly they grow isn't it! Well done hubby for making potato scones. Hope you have a great week x #project365

    1. yours have changed so much in the last few months as well. I did have a lovely birthdat, and yes it was nice of him.

  6. Your husband is a romantic. Not only he made scones for you, they are heart-shaped. Aww. Happy belated birthday to you! The bear is different, lol

    1. Yes is was a very romantic gesture - who needs to spend money?

  7. Happy Birthday for yesterday! I hope you had a great day! That cake looks fab x

  8. the twins look very happy after their settling in tears, hope you had a fab birthday and i love the cake

  9. Hope you had a lovely birthday, and the cake was so cute. Turkish Delight always reminds me of my Dad, he loves the stuff too #365

    1. dont know why they dont sell turkish delight all year


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