Saturday, 14 November 2015

We went to the park

Not a very exciting post, but just a few pictures as these two are growing so quick. I am sure family will appreciate them if nobody else does. I took the twins and Bob to the park the other day to give their mum a break from them. It turned quite cold while we were out so did not manage much more than an hour. Bob requested not to have his picture taken so I respected that.

Minky, the wee boy in the red, is such a climber and explorer and is into everything, Dinky on the other hand runs about but only goes on the swing willingly and will slide down the slide if you lift her onto it and let her slide, but will not go up the steps or sit right up the top, and goes on nothing else if it involves above ground height.

The mirror provided lots of fun, I did try and put Dinky up but she was for none of it

look it is Minky

look it is Grandma as well 

He spent ages backwards and forwards across this. Bob also spent a while trying to work out if he would get from one side of the green railings to the other without touching the green base. His arms were not quite long enough, so he put his legs up and shuffles across. Then banged his head at the other side as he forgot to duck.
shouting over at me

This was as high as she went, then straight back down again

look her feet are off the floor

This provided her with quite a bit of fun for some reason

sitting on the chain

See saw see saw says Dinky as she pushes her brother

Minky gets rocked


  1. I love the overalls, they must make such a difference on these cold wintery days, a welcome break for Mum and always a treat for children to be out, an hour makes all the difference to a day! #CountryKids

  2. Lovely photos! It looks like everyone had fun! Great memories to look back on in the future x

    1. that was my main reason fro sharing them, rather than leaving them on the camera.

  3. They look like they had a lovely time! Also nice and snuggly in their all in ones!

    1. the all in ones are a god send, great for cold and wet

  4. They look nice, warm and cosy. I love trips to the park. It costs nothing but the kids love it.

    1. the cost nothing bit suits my budget, near 2 yr olds are happy just to be out

  5. Oh those coats are fab! Love a day to the park!! :)

    1. their suits are fab, big enough to layer over jackets come the cold weather and on their oen in warm rainy weather

  6. Eliza has a thing about sitting on the chains too - she tries to balance and then ends up falling off lol

    1. they can be so comical, and kee=p going back to fall again and again

  7. They look so cozy! What a lovely trip to the park, it is always a winner with kids isn't it?! x

    1. yes young children do not care where you take them as long as you take them out.

  8. Oh my goodness I've not visited your blog in a while and the babies are not babies at all anymore! So grown up x

    1. tell me about it, those babies will be 2 next Saturday and their little sister will be here before we know it.


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