Saturday, 7 January 2017

Project 365 week 1

Well having done five years of this project I could not really stop now. I am not so much fed up with the project just life in general and this was reflecting in my effort that I put in last month.The knock on effect financially of me having four weeks off sick is not helping my frame of mind either, but nothing I can do about it so no point in letting it drag me down. So have taken the bull by the horns this week and made a few changes, some of these changes have made for pictures of the day this week.


Welcome to 2017. I do not like purple or yellow jelly tots so decided to play daft with them.


A walk round the fishery with Lilly. She just lives to get out and run, and the tail wags constantly. Love how she has grown in confidence and wanders away from us to explore. She was our best buy of last year and well worth every penny of the rescue fee.
 Have to say icy puddles are a bit like piles of leaves and bring out my inner child, I have to go and walk across the top of them and crack the ice. I also like to walk through snow that nobody else has disturbed.


One of the things that has been annoying me is the time I have spent playing on various bingo sites. Don't get me wrong I do not spend much money, a maximum of £20 a month and if I win I draw my winnings out and then add them to another site and get a bonus to play with as well. At then end of the year I have won more than I have lost. But I have been spending a lot of time on them as they send you a text/email/phone call saying we have added free spins or a bonus to the account, so you go on and play and win a bit so do a few more spins etc and before you know it an hour has passed. So I decided this week to close them totally  or some I could not close from my account I suspended them for up to five years.


DD1 had to pick her mini bus up from the local garage today after its MOT. It is a two minute walk from her house but save her trailing the four children and having the hassle of strapping them into their car seats I said I would pop down and watch them. So as it was dry but cold we wrapped up and went to the park.Had to laugh the twins were running and I was chasing them and they were both busy looking behind them when Minky fell over, and Dunky promptly ran into him and tumbled over the top landing in the mud. The two of them laughed their heads off.


One of the reasons I want to reclaim some of my time is to get back into doing some keep fit at least three nights a week. I was busy busy making Christmas presents for a lot of the tail end of the year, that combined with being ill for most of December I just got out of the habit. I did well last year having lost a stone and a half and while I have not put any back on in the last four months since I stopped doing any I want to lose the same again this year and so am determined to get back into doing it.

So today I have had an hours walk with the dog, a half hour walk with the dog and a forty minute work out while tea was cooking. My second workout this week over and above the normal walking of the dog.


Popped down to DD1 to pick up my amazon parcel. Walked in and Dinky ran over with a huge squeal of delight and gave me hugs and kisses. She then showed me the slices of satsuma she has had stored in her cardigan pocket since this morning. The two of them were having fun playing with the kitchen they got from Santa, they love it, great choice Santa. You can see Spud sat on the couch in the background, she was enjoying sing a long a Christmas songs from youtube. She did end up down on the floor jining in with playing with the kitchen.

Managed my third work out of the week.


When you are doing patchwork there is a large amount of pressing of seams to do. Rather than using the ironing board which would be in the way downstairs where I am doing my sewing or a nuisance to use upstairs I made a pressing pad. Have seen people using them on youtube tutorials but I was not keen on the price. So hubby found me an off cut of a piece of loft flooring. I measured up a length of wadding and stitched a cover on it. I then topped the piece of flooring with some tin foil which hubby taped to the back, I then folded the cover with the wadding inside round it and hubby stapled it on for me. One ironing surface big enough for pressing on that will sit nicely on the table next to the sewing machine.


  1. Yay 365 is here :) I'm glad it's still going, I love reading it each week. Love the Jelly tots picture the best :)

  2. Decided to join in again this year!

    I need to get back into keeping fit! Been so lazy the last few months. That play kitchen looks fab! Would love one for Bee but don't have much space.

    1. DD1 does not have much space either but anything Santa brought them was going to take up room.

  3. So glad you have decided to continue, I am determined to complete it this year, well done on the keep fit videos, I desperately need to shift some weight. The pressing pad is such a great idea, I hate lugging the huge ironing board out just for something small!

    1. you can buy pressing pads and I suppose it may work for small items of clothing

  4. I'm glad you are continuing and I hope 2017 is kinder to you! #project365

    1. thank you and thank you, the first 11 months were not bad.

  5. Fab photos! I hope 2017 is better for you!
    Good for you for shutting down your Bongo accounts. They can eat up so much time x

    1. they were eating up far to much time, feel much better for not having them

  6. Well done you in getting motivated with the fitness and stopping the bingo! Keep it up! Also, I wll happily take any purple jelly tots you don't want :) #project 365

  7. Ooh I've just started doing yoga at home using youtube channels! That is such a good idea for your pressing pad. I might be stealing that idea later on this year, once I get used to using my sewing machine again!

    1. look forward to seeing what you make, please share with us

  8. Glad you're back for 2017! The last few weeks of 2016 were tough for you, but I love reading about your positive attitude for the new year. Well done on the workouts!
    I'm the same with icy puddles - I have to jump on them and crack them :)

    1. nice to know I am not the only one with an inner child

  9. So pleased you're back! Sounds like a few of us are making changes to get back time for ourselves. Well done on closing/suspending the bingo sites. Love the icy puddle photo, I do the same :)

    1. It is nice to see you back as well, think we all need to make changes of some sort.

  10. I love the icy puddle photo!

  11. I'm so glad you stuck with us for 2017 Elaine. Love the idea of your pressing board, very clever. Play kitchens are always a big hit aren't they. I hope the change in balance works for you this year x

    1. Thank you, I am pleased to stay, and nice to see you staying as well.

  12. You've just reminded me I have a tube of jelly tots hidden away so I'm now munching on them! I love the feeling of fresh snow - not that I have walked through snow for years. Well done on all the workouts - I need to do more, my 2017 has started off a bit sluggish. Good to see you're carrying on with the 365 :)

    1. Hope you enjoyed your jelly tots, it is the thing that says Christmas for me.

  13. I really need to get back into the keeping fit journey, I just have no motivation at all.
    Love your images.

    1. it is the motivation I was lacking in, but once you get started it is easier to carry on.

  14. I contemplated not doing a 5th year Elaine, mainly because it is harder to take interesting photos of the boys now they are at school, and being winter it is always harder too. BUT here I am carrying on after all! Nice to see you continuing too :)
    It is great that you have made some changes to your life - I think it is important that we make time for ourselves as well as our family. Good for you :)
    I agree about the icy photo - gotta crack them! x

    1. Yes I need to reclaim my life back from a daft pastime.

  15. Happy new year. Hope this year is lovely for you! I've decided to do project 52ish again. I stopped partway through last year so going to try a bit harder this year!

  16. happy new year, i was thinking of removing some of the apps from my phone to free up some of my day, but tbh now the visitors have gone and i'm not working I'll have all the time in the world

  17. Well done on the workouts. I'm trying to get a bit fitter too with some more walking and more yoga.

  18. I hope you're feeling better? Do you watch work outs on you tube? I really need to loose some weight and get fitter. We have started bike riding but I want to do some extra as that isn't every day x


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