Saturday, 14 January 2017

Project 365 week 2


One of the books I ordered from Amazon came through. At the moment this one is beyond me But it has ideas in that I want to aim at to make quilts for the youngest two grandchildren for Christmas. Plenty of time to get to that level as I am starting with the basics. The book cost me all of five pence from an American book shop so too good a price to not invest it even though I do not need it just yet. But I felt time I was at the stage for it I may not find it as cheap again.


SIL is back and work and Bob is back at gymnastics so back on the gymnastics run. So I went into the library across the road took my laptop and did some blog and Instagram commenting. Home and put jacket potatoes in the microwave for tea and did a 25 minute work out.


It has been rather wet here meaning everywhere is muddy and there is no where to take the dog she can get a run off of her lead that does not involve fields. I would not say she was spoilt ( much so after her walk she has been dumped in the kitchen sink to rinse her clean, hubby then dries her with a towel and the hair dryer. She was scared of the hair dryer when we first got her but now she is ok about it.

Did some sewing, quite pleased with how the quilting is going, and managed a workout while tea was cooking.


This weaning myself of the bingo sites on the computer is good for the house, I cleared out all the bedroom drawers and my big kitchen cupboard. Which is also good for me psychologically as I feel much better doing something constructive.

It was Winds day here all day, the sort of wind that Pooh Bear would have been flying Piglet by his
scarf  Sorry just a bit of light hearted fun.

Related image

It was far to windy for DD1 to try and walk the twins safely along the main road while battling with a pram to take them to nursery, so I went down and took them and then picked them back up. I was leaving the village around that time to do some shopping anyway.
It was the sort of day we thought we may lose the fence so hubby tied it to the clothes pole, then we thought it may get pulled over but they both survived this storm. Thankfully we did not get the snow they predicted for us but it was not a nice day.


Today was a snowy day. DD1 brought the children up for a visit as an excuse for them to go out and play in the snow. They played with the jigsaw and lotto game they got for Christmas. Then as I was sat on the floor the two of them sat on my legs and we played all fall down,basically they threw themselves backwards, lots of giggles were had especially when I tickled their tickley bits. Slightly cheating here as hubby took the photo but don't tell anybody.


Every Jan hubby changes the batteries in the smoke detectors, no chance of them running out then. Did my third workout of the week. Been doing HIIT this week.


 I have been putting in an hour or more of sewing every day this week. Really enjoying doing it, and like the cross stitching I find it pleasantly relaxing. I made these four and have framed them with the green. I am thinking I will make a plus sign shape out of triangles  and then patterned squares round the edge from the same patterns to join the four of them together Hope to share that with you next week.


  1. What a bargain that book was...Good luck with it!
    hehehe! Your dog looks a very pampered pooch.
    Good thinking when it came to the fence....The wind was terrible wasn't it.

  2. Doesn't Lilly look cute, I wish Bob could be dumped in the sink to get the sand rinsed off him, looking forward to seeing the quilt come to life.

  3. The quilting is looking good and the book sounds like a challenge for the future. Luckily Lilly getting the pampering treatment! #365

  4. Well done on your sewing and all your workouts! It sounds like you're having a really good start to the year, despite the weather. Lovely photo of the twins.

  5. You sound very organised in lots of aspects of your life - and quite the bargain hunter too. Glad you're able to challenge the energy elsewhere now you're off the bingo! Looking forward to seeing the quilt making develop :)

  6. I LOVE that you tied your fence down! Also your sewing is looking fantastic. I really want to get back into my embroidery this year too. #project365

  7. That book was a bargain! The way you are progressing with the sewing it won't be long until it will be needed. Well done on the workouts and for remembering to change the battery, I usually wait until I hear the annoying beep

  8. Great book bargain! You seem to be progressing fast with the quilting anyway so it may not be long before you are ready for it.

  9. The twins look like they're having really good fun. And I like the idea about changing the smoke alarm batteries every January, I think I'll be stealing that idea :)

  10. Elaine you sound like you are really managing your aims for this year so far - what a productive week you have had :) well done lovely. I had a couple of really muddy walks with the dog this week - twice I nearly fell on my bottom in a muddy field! looking forward to seeing more of your quilting . I love the happy faces on the twins x

  11. The quilts look so pretty! We've had lots of blustery weather this week too but I'm guessing you felt the full force of it up there in the North.

  12. Oh wow that book definitely was a bargain! Glad the fence didn't fall down in the storm! Love the pic of the kids giggling! So sweet

  13. Good going on all the HIIT workouts. It has been so windy, hasn't it. We get a lot being open to the hill and no shade/protection.

  14. Love the photo of Lily having her hair dried! Your quilting is looking great :)

  15. What an amazing deal on the book, and your squares look great. The kids look so happy :)


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