Saturday, 21 January 2017

Project 365 week 3


Made the most of working in an ophthalmology ward at the hospital at the weekend. On Saturday my eye was a bit gunky during the day and on Sunday it got redder and sorer during my shift. So I asked the on call doctor to have a look for me. Confirmed my bacterial conjunctivas was back and gave me drops for during the day and ointment for over night. She also took some swabs to send away for testing. Then told me I should not be at work, because of where I work and the risk of infection, but by then it was only ten minutes before the end of my shift anyway. Just meant I could not do my overtime shift.


Could not sleep. Woke at 4am and decided at 5am to get up. Did some sewing, made my cross out of squares and triangles with a diamond in the middle and joined my four squares together from last week. Now just need to wad it, back it and quilt it. Scuse the wall hanging sticking out of it but I pinned it to that to get photos.


DD2 is down with Ziggy. She will be attending a family funeral with DD1 tomorrow. She tries really hard to turn herself over but cant quite get there. But she can turn herself round in circles. Her head stays in pretty much the one place and her feet and body go round in circles.


Back to Homeopathy for my second appointment. She had concerns over how often my body is over reacting to food since I started and is reducing the dosage to see if that helps, if not it will be back to the allergy clinic.
We went for a walk with the dog before I went and we found a sheep well and truly tangled in some brambles. Poor wee thing was lying on its side and I would say judging by the hollow it was lying in it had been kicking for hours. Poor wee thing was quite weak on our way back and only managed to wiggle its ear.  So hubby walked up to the farm to alert the farmer to its plight.

Ziggy managed to roll herself from her back to her front tonight twice, so I shot a video.


Been having fun with my new addictive hobby this week. Decided to make myself a new cover for my sewing machine, well seems a logical first finished project. It was a learning curve and I did a blog post on it here. 


As part of my Christmas the grandchildren bought me a recipe book of dog biscuits along with two shapes to cut them with, I have to admit to not having had time to make any yet.  Well I went upstairs to do my third workout this week and left the tea ready to go in the oven. I came down and hubby had been cutting bone and dog shaped pieces out of the pastry. So I cooked them on top of the meat anyway.


Look every tub has a lid and every lid has a tub, I doubt it will last long but at least when I go for a tub for the next few days I will manage a matching pair.


  1. i'm making dog biscuts this afternoon, but are cut into whatever shapes i have in the cupboard, talking of which my lids and pots were matched for about a week and are now a huge jumble again

    1. No I doubt mine will stay aired and tidy for long either.

  2. The chloramphenicol is very familiar to me! Hope your eye is feeling better now. Thank goodness you were there to help the sheep. You're doing so well with your patchwork - it looks great!

    1. yes I am sure the sheep was grateful we were passing.

  3. I hope your eye is better, definitely does have advantages working in that department, the quilting hobby is really taking off, well done on three work outs you put me to shame!

    1. loving the new hobby. Join me in the workouts and we can start a 365 workout club.

  4. I hope your eye us feeling better now...
    It looks like you are really enjoying sewing the cover for your sewing machine looks fab x

  5. The dog biscuit idea sounds interesting. You must be really pleased with your patchwork projects, they both look great #365

    1. will need to actually read the recipes and make some soon. May bet Bob round to help me, the twins would want to eat them themselves so not a good idea.

  6. My cupboards are an ocean of mismatched tubs and lids, I have lids for tubs that don't exist, and tubs that don't have lids. How does that even happen :/ The quilting is great, I can't believe you've not being doing it very long.

    1. I did have a bag full of spare lids mainly as I do have some tubs incupboards with stuff in them and no lids on.

  7. This sounds like an amazing week! I can't decide that I like best! The seeing projects are all so great I really need to start again. And we'll done Mia on turning over. That is on my lost of things to practice with Faye this week #project365

    1. yes its nice to look back on moments like rolling over.

  8. I sorted out my tubs a while back and it makes such a difference to know I only have tubs that have lids and that they are all in the same place. Hope the eye is getting better and that the sheep was ok. Well done Ziggy!

    1. it is nice to go to the cupboard and find a whole tub to ue

  9. That looks like a very well organised cupboard, I wish I could find lids for all of my tubs, I don't know where they end up! The sewing machine cover looks great.

  10. Ha my tubs never have matching lids lol! Poor sheep...hope it was ok when it finally got rescued! Loving your sewing projects!

  11. Haha love the tubs and lids - we are forever losing one or the other, a bit like socks! Hope the poor sheep was ok.

    1. sadly we did not get to know if the sheep was ok, but at least if it was not it did not suffer any further

  12. Ouch conjunctivitis is no fun so I hope it's now completely better. Well done on the matching Tupperware lids. My mum despairs because I lose so many!

    1. eyes seem to be better, still waiting on swab results.

  13. oh my goodness my Tupperware cupboard looks just like that. its like socks, never find a matching bloody pair/lid and box!
    Your patchwork cover and blanket both look fab Elaine, you are really getting into this new project of yours. xx

  14. I do that with my plastic tubs every so often :) Hope your eye is better now. Love the cover for your sewing machine x


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