Saturday, 28 January 2017

Project 365 week 4


Lying in bed just after 4.30 am and could hear a "beep" shut eyes start to drift off "beep". Half awake thinking that sounds like a smoke alarm "beep", can't be all the batteries were changed last week "beep". So I got up and stood on the landing till I worked out which one it was, fetched a chair to stand on and removed the battery. Brand new battery was about dead. So much for being safe and changing them once a year.


A cold start to the day. Spotted the frozen drips on the broken greenhouse frame when I went to let the dog out. As you do when it is freezing cold and half dark you whip out your camera.


One of the draw backs of having a dog and living near muddy fields, she trots grubby footprints all over the place and shakes her mud onto the cupboard doors as well, floor and doors are wiped nearly every day. Luckily she is small enough to lift into the sink and rinse off.


A walk along the beach with hubby and Lilly. Was chilly and windy but it blew the cobwebs away. Sun was low and creating silhouettes. The tide was going out but every so often a big wave would come further in so a few times Lilly got her feet wet. We were on the beach for well over an hour.


My talking about quilting at work has got a couple of the others interested so Lynn bought herself the items she needed and has joined me. She has done well, made a couple of make up bags with waterproof lining and zips on and is currently working on oven gloves that she bought heat proof wadding for.
We have decided once a month to meet up at each others houses and have a sewing session and a natter. So I went along to hers today and worked on a new diamond shaped creation.
Have actually been spending some time getting to know my sewing machine, for years all the poor thing has done is sewn in a straight line. It actually has 22 different stitches and various features that I will be trying out sometime soon.


Managed my three workouts this week, been ringing the changes again. Finding that the one I was enjoying are just to sore on the old crunchy knees. My head might still be 29 but my knees are not.


This week on the quilting front I have finished last weeks. Another learning curve, worked out it is easier to quilt the triangles than the squares, less stopping and starting. Have made myself a pin cushion and been experimenting with a diamond shape. At the moment this has no plans to become anything, will go into my pile and one day it may be added to a bigger piece of work.



  1. Those frozen drips are so pretty! I would have taken a photo too!
    Your sewing sessions sound like a lot of fun!
    Well done with the workouts x

  2. I'd put up with a few muddy paw prints to have a cute dog like that :) Love the shot of the beach, I'd love to live near enough to get to the seaside regularly

    1. have to say I am very grateful to live within less than 15 mins of at least 4 towns with beaches.

  3. The beach in the winter is one of my favourite things - pity I don't live near any decent beaches! Yours looks beautiful.

    1. I think any beach is beautiful, it is nice to live on a coastline

  4. I loved the photo of Lily and hubby taking a walk by the sea. I also love the sound of your monthly sewing group -what a lovely idea and something to look forwards to. well done with your workouts - it can be hard to be disciplined at home by yourself x

    1. it can be hard some nights to shift my but, especially when hubby moans I sound like a herd of elephants above his

  5. Your quilting is looking fabulous and how lovely to have a friend joining in! Love the photo of Lily and hubby by the beach. There is nothing more annoying than a smoke alarm battery beeping at night!

    1. I know the insistent beep beep would drive you mad.

  6. What a beautiful photo of your husband and Lily, so sweet. Those Frozen dips look fab. The sewing group sounds like a great idea. And way to go on your workouts, that's excellent x

  7. Loving that beach photo and the quilt looks fab!

    It has been cold hasn't it? Great capture of the frozen drips

    1. yes we have had some cold weather but it is only January and not been a bad winter so far.

  8. Beautiful beach photo - it almost looks black and white with just a hint of colour in the sky, I bet it was cold though!

    1. a sweatshirt with a hood up, a jacket with a hood up on top and then a waterproof to keep the wind off, yes it was cold.

  9. Annoying about the battery. Love the beach shot - I like visiting the beach in the winter too.

    1. usually the beach is a bit quieter, but we had fun regardless.

  10. love your latest quilting and think it's great you're going to meet at one anthers houses, a great way to enjoy both your hobby and meet up with other people. i lauded at your comment about still feeling 29 but your knees aren't lol

  11. That quilt looks fab, and I love the idea of getting together for a sew and a chat. We have the same muddy paw print issue but with a cat and the beige carpet - joy, not! #365


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