Saturday, 14 December 2019

Project 365 week 50

Well folks another year nearly done. More memories to look back on.

Have to say it is really really nice to be feeling human again, to be enjoying life and getting out and about a bit more for pleasure rather than appointment after appointment. .


Fill the slow cooker with Stovies, defrosted the fridge freezer as somebody had closed the door quite right last week and it iced up, sorted out the presents into piles, they all look about even enough and then when hubby went ( again) to visit friend I sat and did some more of my jigsaw, did some miles on the exercise bike and then sat and watch one of the DVD's I bought, Pooh Bears Christmas - just to make sure it worked all right you understand!!

Made a few cakes and had cake and custard after our stovies. We never usually eat pudding but the cake smelt yummy.


A few bits during the day. Popped in to visit a friend while hubby was in visiting friend and then a dog walk round the village after tea. A lot more of the decorations are beginning to pop up now.


A very very wet day with a lot of floody patches on the roads. Hubby decided not to visit friend today.
Dog and I got soaked and blown about walking to post a letter, yes I know I have a car but I begrudge using it to drive 1/3 mile and it got the dog a stretch of her legs.
In the evening I went to the volunteer Christmas night out with the other volunteers from Active Travel that I do the cycling with, was a good laugh, great company, met some new people and enjoyed good food.


Blooming rotten weather again today.
Went into town to bring friend back to give hubby a hand with a few bits in the loft. I don't do lofts.
Went and did my cheap shopping while I was there to make it worth while going in. Much easier to do this with hubby and friend with me as I need a help to carry the bags.
This is making a huge different to my budget, Ending up with enough rice, pasta or potatoes as well as veg to feed us most nights of the week as well as the meat or fish to go with it three or more nights a week as well as most of my bread. Not sure how I would be managing right now without until things improve.
Friend got dropped off at his sisters house by hubby after tea time. There was sleety snow lying when they left.
Got my letter through for my MRI scan. Surprised it is so soon but not complaining. Sadly the waiting list in my own area is anything from 13 weeks is marked urgent and 39 weeks if not. Approx 45 miles away but now I am back driving that is not so bad.


Dryer weather thankfully. Hubby decided to stay at home as he wanted to tidy the loft after yesterday.
I had my physio appointment appointment. He is quite happy it is all going the right way. Agreed I could go back to work when my current sick line runs out but with restrictions.

When I got back we took the dog down to the polling station to do our voting and then walked her round the park.


A fairly full on morning. Dropped hubby off to go see friend on my way into town. Had an appointment with my line manager, a long term absence meeting complete with HR and my Unison Rep, never go to even an informal meeting without one present if HR are there. I have been keeping my Line Manager updated but these meetings are part of the absent policy of the company I work for. I always see these as a positive meeting offering support to see where things are at and a chance to talk things through.
I was quite disappointed as she, quite rightly, said I could not be accommodated at work with the restrictions Physio had advised. To get a sick line for another four weeks and then we will see where we stand.
Off to a funeral after the meeting for an elderly friend that lived in the complex I use to do holiday relief cleaning in.
Went to friends house, got changed and went into town with friend for a spot of lunch.

Home again and fell asleep on the couch.

Christmas is now all wrapped up. Still using my sellotape machine you attach to your wrist that gives nice even sized strips of tape.


Went to spend my Sproketts voucher I won before it runs out. Got a new helmet, mins cost me £5 in Asda about 10 years ago. Also bought some light weight cycling gloves and a pair of socks.

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  1. I am so glad things are better with you!
    Ahh! Pooh Bears Christmas is one of those films which make me feel all warm and happy inside. It's a classic!
    What wonderful decorations. We're going to have a walk around where we live as more and more are popping up and people seem to go all out here!
    What a lot of food. It is good to get it cheaply. I am always in Tesco getting reduced stuff to save the pennies. I got £14 worth of smoked salmon for just over £4 on Friday. It's gone in the freezer for Christmas.
    So sorry about the work situation.
    Well done with the wrapping. I must do ours in the coming week. x

  2. You do look organised for Christmas with the wrapping done. I'm glad things are looking up healthwise even if it is frustrating that you can't go back to work at the moment. I guess it's quite a physical job, so it's difficult to take it easy.

  3. So pleased to hear that you are feeling better and are up and out. You must be so relieved. What a shame you can't go back to work yet though. Well done on getting the Christmas presents wrapped - that's something I need to do! Your new cycling gear looks great.

  4. Glad you are feeling a bit better. You must be relieved and fingers crossed it helps a lot. I am so not organised. Glad you got the gifts wrapped. Loving the new cycling gear. x

  5. Glad you are feeling a bit better and great news on the MRI scan date coming through. Good to hear that work are being supportive, hope you're able to go back soon #365

  6. Glad your MRI appointment has come through and that you're able to drive yourself there and good work are being so supportive. That's a fine collection of presents you have there

  7. Glad you are feeling better but what a disappointment about not being able to go back to work..but understandable.

    Glad the MRI scan has come through.

    Love your new cycle helmet!

  8. Can't believe how far advance you are with wrapping! So glad you are feeling better and hope it stays that way for the festive season #project365


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