Friday, 26 October 2012

Cottage Croquet set - a review

I was offered a cottage croquet set from Garden Games  for me and the children to play with. It is one of many croquet sets that they have on off. So as it was not raining when they were here the last time we went out to play with it. The park would have been ideal but the grass in the park would have been more suited to swimming costumes and arm bands, so we used the patch of grass round the side of the house, and no I didn't notice the sign that said no ball games 

Garden games tell us
This smaller sized set is ideal for the smaller garden, adult beginners and children. The 4 hardwood mallets are 32 1/2 inches long with smaller sized heads. The set contains 4 lighter weight full sized balls, lighter weight steel hoops, hard wood winning post and rules. Everything you need to enjoy the game in full. The Croquet Set comes packed in a zip fastening nylon bag with handles for portability. A perfect set for the family to start out with, croquet is an all time family favourite and can be enjoyed by the whole family. 

complete with the storage bag
So we went out and set up the hoops and the finishing post. We did not spread them out the way that was recommended as it looked to complicated for Bob to follow, and playing games should be fun not stressful or argumentative.

mallet nearly as big as Bob

Bob is six, but the size of an average three year old so he found the mallets rather to big for him, I think had I been buying one with young children and seeing just how big there mallets really are I may have gone for the Sandford Croquet Set which has two smaller mallets mores suited to young children, Ours I think even if Bob had been an average six year old would have been a bit big and heavy.

Fifi was a better size

We had fun with the game, and I think like any game it really is about the interaction between adult and children that the children get the biggest buzz out of.

Bob getting some help

Bob did need some help else he would have ended up doing either himself or somebody else and injury with the mallet. Fifi did mange this quite well on her own. Everybody had fun, and we hope to get more use out of this game next summer, if we get a summer anyway.

We were sent the set in return for an honest review.

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