Monday, 22 October 2012

Project 366 296/366

I picked the children up today as my daughter had a funeral to go to, so we stopped off at Auchencruive estate to run off some energy on the way to my bit. Sometimes Fifi is just so beautiful not.

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. hehe great photo, looks like fun x

  2. Ha ha great face! I used to hang around like that a lot too at primary school and end up flashing my knickers off!, x

  3. Great fun.. I like her trews..

  4. Brilliant! I love her expression! I have a fair few photos of my eight year old in strange positions like that!

  5. Brilliant, that made me laugh! As you know I'm from your neck of the woods - Auchencruive is lovely at this time of year :)

  6. Love it, definitely made me smile :)

  7. Haha, all I saw was a child hanging upside down, scanned down and saw her face, LOL!

  8. My kids couldn't pass a bar like that without doing the same! Do please pop over and join me on Country Kids too.

  9. What a face! That's a photo to save and bring out for embarrassment later


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