Saturday, 4 October 2014

Project 365, week 40, 28th September - 4th October

It is just about still light when I get in from work at the weekend, wont be for much longer, but then the clocks change in four weeks and it will be dark pretty much both ends of the day.


OH was out with the chickens, they will insist on eating the leaves on the potatoes, I love the way they stretch their necks or jump top reach them.

eating potato leaves 


How adorable is this little monkey as he pops up from the side of the couch and laughs at you. He spent ages playing away at this. A few more pictures of their visit can be seen here. Love all those teeth, and his sister still has none.

peek - a - boo


Daughter has decided to swap rooms with Fifi, as Fifi has the biggest room and there is no longer room for four in daughters room. So Fifi had the choice of sharing with the two wee ones or moving, so she has decided to move. Much decorating and moving of furniture has happened this week so as the contents of Fifi's room was piled into Bob's there was no room anywhere for them to sleep, so they came to me for the night. The joy of being just round the corner. Bob and I played games for a while whilst Fifi was out playing.

Bob loves this game, as he likes giving me a nick name, I'm usually something like Grandma Poopy Knickers

Was across to day at Son No2's inlaws. My son and his girlfriend had a little boy, Ryan, at the end of last week. Sadly not been to see him, hoping that may change but I don't think so.

Uno Roboto is still lots of fun. 

The Summer holidays is over now and so it is back to crochet group on the first Wednesday of every month. This month we moved onto  squares. One of the women has a item that allows here to start off her squares with a flower in the middle. I am intrigued so she is going to bring it in next month for me to look at. 

some of the crochet ladies


One of my fellow allergy parents loves to geocache so she had asked me last week did I fancy a trip out with her. So we arranged to go today. We covered five miles and had a great time. You can read more of our day here, including a very novel cache.

We found a piece of Glacial Erratic rock while we were out, made for interesting reading once I got home, Blog post here if you want a nosey.

I did have the older two over tonight, but Bob has started to ask to go out the front and play with the other children, so I let him. He knows  the rules and as long as he sticks by them he gets out. I am in a side street with a 20mph limit and plenty parked cars in a narrow street that keeps the speed of traffic down, daughter lives in the main road that is a 30 zone with buses,lorries, tractors and goodness knows what else thundering up and down, they also have no houses as neighbours so it is not practical to let him out there.

He is a very young eight with no road sense what so ever, Hopefully by next Summer this may have changed and he will get out more often. I barely saw either of them all evening.
glacial erratic rock


Today was rather wet to say the least. Obviously chickens don't think to stay in when it rains, they all looked a bit sorry for themselves in a bedraggles state. They could go inside their coop, or go under their house bit. OH is going to make one end of their new run as waterproof as we can so they don't spend all winter cold wet and miserable.

soggy chickens


I enter competitions, some months lots other months hardly any. Prizes often just turn up out of the blue, a lot of the time without paperwork so you have no idea where it is from or whether it is na prize or a blogging review item.

I do remember entering this one, and last night a packed lunch box with a jelly inside turned up. I am more than happy to see any prize and hope one day to win big.

lunch box and jelly

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Well done on the prizes. I hope you do get to see your new grandson one day x

  2. Love your chickens! Ours look hilarious in the rain and it never stops them exploring.

    1. no it never stopped the ones on the farm either, you would see them wandering the fields in all weathers.

  3. Love the photos of your chickens :) And, that toothy grin is adorable!

    1. yes he is rather cute isn't he, defo going to be the leader in any trouble the pair of them get up to, but then they say you need to watch the quiet ones.

  4. Thank you for solving the mystery of the lunchbox with the jelly. I thought it must have come from a PR, but as you say there was no note. Don't remember entering it, but I must have.

  5. Loving the chicken photos, the one of them all wet did make me chuckle.
    The picture of you grandson peeking over the sofa is super cute. I remember when both of mine loved doing this.
    I hope that one day you get to meet your new grandson. x

  6. Ha ha love your jelly prize! Having chickens must be such fun, I bet your grandchildren love them :)

  7. Emmy is currently desperate for chickens. Told her she could swap the trampoline for them but it backfired when she said yes

    1. keep the trampoline and net off the bottom, stick them in there, 2 birds with 1 stone so to speak

  8. I just cannot get over how quickly the twins have grown and before my eyes - where does the time go Elaine? and i did smile at Grandma Poopy Knickers as i am often nicknamed Mummy Poopy Pants by my two! x

  9. I still remember your news interview when you showed you winning my Jackson Reece wipes, good comper!

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

    1. it is amazing, from that comp, to following your blog, to winning camera, to having the urge to join in with #365 - and still going strong 3 yrs later

  10. Well done on your win! That rock does look interesting!

    Love your chickens, and that cute cheeky grin made me smile!


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.