Sunday, 19 October 2014

Project 365 week 42 12th - 18th October


This was a brilliant day, I got the chance to go to a blogger meeting in Glasgow. We do not get many options like this that come to Glasgow so how could I not accept the invitation?   It was a blogger bake off and I wrote a post about it here.

Lis with her cakes ready for the oven


We all got a goody bag to bring home with us from the baking day, here is mine. We all came away with a Kenwood kMix mixer, and I am well impressed with it.  We got to keep the aprons we were provided with, we also had a couple of nice heavy duty canvas bags, a Kenwood truck, keyring and dish towel and a Curry's usb memory stick.

the goody bag 


One of the recipes I had picked up from Sunday was for ganache, and so I decided to try it dairy free. So here is the result of that experimentation very nice it was too. If you are interested there is a  recipe post here.

was difficult to photograph the brown on brown


We were back visiting in the Stirling area and did some geocaching afterwards, last chance we will get as it will be dark from next month afterwards. I had planned on doing a new trail of them in Alloa, but they were not loaded onto my GPS, so decided to get some more of the ones at Gartmorn Dam. I liked the autumnal colours in this.

nice autumnal colours


I had the children over tonight. We went out conker hunting before it got dark, but have to say we were disappointed did not find many at all. We did manage to find a cache that we had missed previously.  Upon our return we made a start on our Halloween decorations. They had a laugh making these, and Fifi decided this was the best way to get her photograph taken, the pumpkin was not finished at this stage.

can you see me


Our schools have had their October holiday this week, There was no hurry to send them home, and so they stayed and played.  One toy that comes out regularly is the Hama beads, these were today's creations. Her butterfly is for a friend and his heart has his initial and his girlfriends.



Daughter No2 and SIL were down last night, along with the dog. This is his new bed that he would not lie on, so OH made me laugh. I found the dogs stuffed toy sitting on the cushion reading a copy of the Historic Scotland magazine.
Daughter was taking Fifi and the other bridesmaids dress shopping today. I was informed it was very successful and despite being hyper the three of them were well behaved, would not have expected much else to be honest with you.

well somebody may as well use it

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Sounds like a busy week for you. Lots of activities going on with baking, pumpkins and hama beads as well as the geocaching.

  2. I so want to go to a blogger event, sounds great. Love that view for your geocache too

    1. I have been to very few, there are not a lot of opportunities up here.

  3. Love the picture that you took on Wednesday, very picturesque. x

  4. Looks like a great week and the event looks like a great day! Blogger events are brilliant aren't they, I went to one on Monday and I love meeting other bloggers in person. Have a lovely week x #project365

    1. yes they are. and it is nice to meet fellow boggers

  5. Sounds like a great blogger event. We don't get many up our way!

    1. it was a great event, and we dont get many here either

  6. The Kenwood day sounds good and the cakes look rather tasty. Nice looking pumpkin too :)

    1. DH says the cakes were lovely, The pumpkin one made me laugh

  7. It looks like you had a great week - especially at that blogger event. A Kenwood Mixer is a great gift for a goody bag!

    1. was a fab add to the goody bag, and I really like it.

  8. Sounds like a fun, busy week :) Glad you enjoyed the blogger event - being in the US I miss out on this too, although I have recently found my way on to the Boston Parent Blogger network, and attended my very first event! Love the pumpkin :)

  9. You've had some great times this week with the blogging event and that walk into the countryside; great colours in that photo.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.


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