Saturday, 11 October 2014

Project 365 5th - 11th October


Got this lovely card with a nice wee pressie from the ladies at the crochet club. Its nice to be appreciated.


Spent a lot of the day in the garden, between helping to finish the chicken run and picking what was left of the tomatoes and cutting down the plants etc. Decided the tomatoes probably would not ripen to much more at this time of year so picked them all. Had nearly ten pounds time we weighed them out. The green ones got mushed and popped into bags in the freezer to use in cooking at a later date.


Had an appointment to get a filling replaced and a polish at the dentist. Was in the town a bit early and so decided to take a walk along the beach, was a lovely day. These four looked like students, the two on the sand were pretending to bury something and laughing manically as they did it. The other two had a camera and sound equipment between them.


Rather a yuck day weather wise, so did a bit of baking to relieve the boredom. This is a Victoria Sponge with some aero bubbles stirred through it, with the rest crushed and added to the butter icing.


Visit day today, making the most of the remaining few light nights we will have after we come out. Took a walk round this picturesque loch.


The chicken run is finished and now they can get out any time they want. No more running round the garden pooping every where. Brought them a pile of leaves back from Stirling to kick about it, they seem to love it.


Daughter No2 is down for the weekend and is spending it with the children. She took Bob and Fifi to a crafting place in Troon. This is Bob's gecko. He made a great job of doing it, and wanted to let me see it so I could make it picture of the day. Happy to do that for him.

A rather dull week I have to say. But that was the week it was.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. What are you going to do with all your green tomatoes? This is the first year we have had any quantity of tomatoes, so I haven't really got to grips with what to do with them. I don't think I have enough to make a batch of chutney though.

    1. No idea Erica as like you have never had this amount before, I thought if I froze them I had time to make up my mind.

  2. dull or not it is still a record of your week, i think we all have weeks or days where we feel our pictures are like that (like me last week)
    that loch is so beautiful - you are fortunate to leave by the beach and by such amazing countryside too. i bet that thank you card made your day - how lovely, and Bob's gheko is fab such bright colours x

    1. I am very very lucky to live surrounded by such beautiful countryside, so much of it in less than an hours drive. Probably the only plus side of having to do these visits. Yes the card did make my day it was lovely

  3. We've got lots of green tomatoes left too, not sure what to do with them yet! That Aero cakes looks amazing!!

    1. Same here Helen, thats why they are in the freezer

  4. I've got lots of green tomatoes as well. Think it'll be a chutney here.

    1. OH likes chutney, will need to find some jars to store it in.

  5. Now that Aero cake looks rather scrummy! Wonder what the students were up to on the beach? You did get a lot of tomatoes! #365

    1. It was scrummy but it did upset my stomach - I should know not to eat milk chocolate

  6. Ha, we are sorting our chooks today too! Very fed up of the poop! Love the tomatoes - chutney? :)

    1. makes great manure but we want to collect and contain it not have it willy nilly to stand in

  7. Wow, that's some haul of tomatoes! I love the Loch shot Elaine x #365

    1. thank you, have a blog post to go with it as it was an earth cache

  8. Oooh I wonder what they were burying! Very intriguing! The picture of the loch is beautiful. We're coming up to Scotland in a couple of weeks and I cannot wait, it is so beautiful x

    1. I did feel like going and asking them but its not really the done thing is it? Enjoy Scotland, Pitlochry will be amazing at this time of year

  9. Your lucky grandchildren having to make aero cakes. Yum yum. His are also the luckiest chickens in the world with that lovely run and leaves to luck about. That made me chuckle! That Loch picture is BEAUTIFUL, so still. He did a great job with the gekko, very bright. I do love getting a handwritten letter in these days of electronic mail. There's a bit of a resurgence of snail mail actually. It's the new thing.

    1. The hand written note is nice to receive, and I would love to see a resurgence of them, so much more personal than a text message

  10. wow Elaine your cakes look amazing!! i love those aero bubbles so these would totally be awesome for me!

    glad your chucks are now safe and settled

    1. they are loving the run, out everyday from morning to night.

  11. My parents put the green tomatoes by the window and leave them to redden there....

    That note is so sweet, as you say it is good to be appreciated....

    Will have to try that aero cake!!


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