Saturday, 25 October 2014

Project 365 week 43 19th - 25th October


Spotted this in the canteen at work and as I like popcorn, love coconut and have quite a passion for vanilla I just had to try it. Have to say it is really really pleasant, not to sweet or sickly, and very moreish so bought another packet this week. They make other flavours as well that I may try at some point.


Saw this is a shop and it made me laugh. Just had to share it. Nice to know there is a reason.


Have to say the day was not as wild and windy as the weather forecast had predicted. Windy enough to make some nice white horses down the beach.


Daughter came round with the twins tonight. DH was not feeling to well and was not up to interacting with them. They have both learnt to clap their hands, so here they both are going clap clap. Lighting not briliant as light was hurting DH's eyes so video was not possible.



Last week I had made pumpkin cake and soup and Bob wanted me to make some for him to eat, so tonight we made soup and cake for him. So I set him about grating the pumpkin.

By the time tea was finished DH was feeling decidedly worse and so I got daughter to take the children back home while I phoned NHS24 to see what they advised. They listened to what was wrong with him and decided to send out an ambulance. The ambulance driver listened to his symptoms and decided to put him in the ambulance and run an ecg - this was normal. But due to the rest of his symptoms they decided to take him in any way.


We have been in this small cubicle for over five hours now. Blood tests show an infection, x-rays showed an issue with his bowel, and his temperature is still up though some of the chest pain has subsided. Three different antibiotics pumped in over thirty minutes each. I was nestled into a corner by this time sat on a plastic chair with my feet on the bottom of the commode trying not to fall asleep. The outcome is gall stones and a bowel issue. He is to get a colonoscopy and then go back to see the consultant in six weeks.

Brought him home just after tea time, still uncomfortable but nothing more could be done at the time.

antibiotics dripping through


Bob had an eye test last week when at the hospital that showed he needed glasses. So yesterday he went to pick them up. Mummy wears glasses and so Bob is not to upset by getting a pair and he loved this design..

We knew this was going to happen, he has been struggling to read and see things lately as well as the light bothering his eyes. So he now has super cool tinted glasses to wear all day every day. Means he wont be able to wear his goggles out so come next summer he may have further allergy issues due to pollen etc but we will worry about that next year.

 I think he looks good in them

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Pumpkin cake sounds intriguing. Hope your husband feels better soon.

    1. think carrot cake but use grated pumpkin instead

  2. Wow what a mixed week. The kiddies are getting big

    Wishing a speedy recovery to OH

  3. Dinky ans Minky are just so cute!!! That popcorn looks amazing and hope whoever is poorly feels better soon

  4. oh no Elaine your poor hubby that must be very painful for him.
    i do love that Garfield sticker ha ha i think thats exactly what happens ;)
    and love the clapping twins - so cute x

  5. Is your DH ok? Hope whatever is causing issues is sorted soon.
    I too love popcorn and think I need to seek this flavour out, sounds lovely. x

    1. hopefully the tests will get to the bottom of it

  6. Oh gosh, your poor dh, I hope he's on the road to recovery now. Aren't the twins getting big now :) x

  7. Oh,I hope your husband feels better soon. Love the last photo, what a cool dude :)

  8. Your grandson looks super chuffed with his glasses! So sorry to hear about your husband, sounds like a stressful time :(

    1. lets just say I was glad of the extra hr in bed on Sunday to catch up with sleep

  9. omg that notice is so funny and i love it!

    i hope that DH is feeling much better soon lovely xx

  10. I hope the OH is fighting fit soon

  11. I hope you're other half is doing okay. Bob looks very stylish in those glasses. The twins are super adorable as usual.

  12. Oh gosh, I hope that Mr. FunAsAGran is ok now? It sounds quite alarming.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.


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