Thursday, 20 September 2012

Fairtrade Big fair bake challenge.

I saw this challenge over on Foodies 100 and as I buy a lot of fair trade goods I decided I would join in.

What is the challenge all about I hear you ask?

We think that baking tastes better when shared, so the Foodies100 is challenging our members to inspire the nation and cook for someone else with a Big Fair Bake.
Because baking with Fairtrade ingredients is one easy way for everyone to make a difference to millions of people who desperately need a better deal from trade. Without a fair price for the crops they grow, many farmers struggle to support their families. Fairtrade offers farmers and workers the safety net of a fair price today and a little extra to invest in projects which benefit the whole community, such as clean water, education and health care.
The Big Fair Bake is part of our year-long Take a Step campaign, which aims to get the UK to take a total of 1.5 million steps for Fairtrade in 2012, a step for every farmer and worker in the Fairtrade system we aim to work with.
A step can be small, like switching your tea to Fairtrade or baking with Fairtrade ingredients or a larger one like holding an event. Every single one counts, because together they lead to life-changing projects in developing countries.

How You Can Get Involved

 As part of the campaign, we’re inviting Foodies100 bloggers to develop a baking creation inspired by one (or more!) of the following Fairtrade certified ingredients:
  • Honey
  • Chocolate (or Cocoa Powder)
  • Raisins
  • Coffee
  • Bananas
  • Cinnamon
  • Apricots
  • Ginger
  • Brazil Nuts
Fairtrade sugar is not on the list (because that wouldn’t be a challenge!) but obviously if sugar is present we hope you will use readily available Fairtrade certified sugar. You can find out where to buy it, and the other ingredients listed here.

So I made a marbled cake, half vanilla, half chocolate. Spread hocolate fudge icing all round it and decorated with vanilla icing and added orange and lemon slices to finish it off.


6oz rice bran oil
6oz fair trade sugar
3 eggs
12 oz organic self raising flour
2oz Morrison's Organic Fairtrade Cocoa Powder
2 teaspoon vanilla extract

To decorate
Betty Crocker's Fudge icing
Morrison's vanilla butter cream
orange and vanilla slices

Mix oil and sugar together, mix in the eggs, than the self raising flour.
swirled cake

Split the mixture in half, add the vanilla extract to one half and the cocoa powder to the other half, add  milk to make the right consistency if needed.

Put spoonfuls of the vanilla into 2 greased sandwich tins, then add spoonfuls of the chocolate mix to create a checker board effect, then swirl a knife through the mix to make a swirl cake.

Cook for approx 15 mins at 180 oC.

Once cooked remove from tins and leave to cool.

Once cool sandwich together with  Fudge icing, then spread more round the sides and on top.

Pipe vanilla icing in a pattern  of your choice and then decorate with the slices.

my finished cake

the patterned inside

I shared this with my friend Jeanette who I had been over visiting.

As part of the Take a Step campaign, we’re offering everyone who buys and bakes with Fairtrade ingredients a chance of winning a fabulous KitchenAid blender. All they have to do is visit the Fairtrade website and tell us who they’re baking for. Simple!

Disclosure this is my entry for the Fairtrade big bake challenge.

1 comment:

Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.