Monday, 17 September 2012

Project 366 261/366

Playing Save the animals yawn, boring, be glad when they outgrow it tonight. This is the second generation using this game, and after thirty years it has grown a bit tedious, but the kids pick the games, I just join in and it will not be long before they don't want to play games anyway so should really make the most of it.

Bob talking to the rhino

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


  1. Not sure I get this lol, are you bored because they are loving this?
    I really need to catch up to speed x
    What is all these challenges x

    1. we have been playing this game now for over 25 years, both generations have loved it, I find it mind numbing and boring, but play it cos that's the one they picked and that's what the adults do.

  2. aww its like a family tradition then, bless them, you can't beat playing an old favourite x

  3. They'll soon move onto something else I'm sure.

  4. lol you need to show them some new games :-) Well done with keeping up the project 366, only 100 days to go. x

    1. we have got probably 20games in the games cupboard...

  5. Family traditions are something to cherish.

  6. Have never heard of it, but I imagine it was fun originally :) x

  7. I hadn't heard of this game but I think my son would love it, to say he is animal obsessed is an understatement!

  8. Good on you. you must have the patience of a saint :)

    1. dont know about that, but only have them 1 day a week and its nice to share time with them, building memories, and I want those memories to be good ones

  9. Before long they will be glued to their laptops, mobile phones and XBox games! I'm sure you'll look back fondly on the boring board games one day ... and then the great grandkids will come along and start the family tradition all over again!!!

    1. thats for sure, think I may need to pass it onto my daughter for her grandchildren when that happens

  10. We have so many games here but that's a new one on me! I love the concentration and I agree play while they want to, before the electronic stuff takes over

  11. My Daughter was given Cars Monopoly for her birthday yesterday.
    Today it was the game to play but, even with it being new and exciting, I had to walk away, leaving them to it, when they went for game number 3.

  12. Mine are as addicted to hungry hippos as I was as a child! I'm sure my mum's got all of our games in the attic.
    It's great to see that amount of focus going on something worthwhile!

  13. I feel exactly that way about Monopoly. Drives me nuts but board games are such a simple family passtime that you just have to go with it

  14. Lovely depth of field on this one Elaine, great angle. And you're right, it won't be long until they don't want to play with it!

    Thanks for linking up

  15. Never heard of this game but he looks like he's enjoying it, what a great angle to get the camera at too!


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