Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Project 366 255/366

Dont know if I am wasting my time keeping them alive, but I would like some return for my hard work. So far I have got lousy measly little tomato out of my three tomato plants. I have lots and lots of flowers but not coming to anything.

So today I decided to seriously trim them back, have taken off loads of leaves and a lot of the new flowers that are appearing and hopin they will put their energy into producing something edible instead.

Would not mind but Sam across the road just has hers plonked on a table outside her kitchen window and that have produced at least half a dozen, mine are in the greenhouse and have done virtually zilch.

Was hoping while we were away for the week and the neighbour was watering them they might have produced at least some small ones.

the pile of cut off leaves and one mingy tomato

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