Thursday, 1 November 2012

Project 366 306/366

Took a walk along the river into the town today to do a few things and then pick up son No1 from college. It was dull, windy and dreary with not much inspiring to take pictures of. But he was not ready so I walked the other way up the river.

Goodness knows where the blue is coming from cos the sky was grey and manky.

Ayr College river ayr

not sure it really worthy of the 366 badge as pic of the week, but I have linked up every week so far and not missing this one, but all my pics have been quite lacking, which has reflected in lack of comments all week, must try harder next week.

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky


  1. Beautiful reflection on the water, so clear and blue like you say!

  2. Love the clear reflection. Nature sees great things.

  3. I think this picture is simple, yet very beautifully shot. I like the blue and the reflection, nothing 'lacking' about it x

  4. You've had a tough week..hope your mojo returns!!


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.