What are your favourite festive songs? Do you love White Christmas or adore the latest X Factor holiday single?
It is one think I always drummed into my children, there is no safe limit, you either drink or drive but you dont do both. This is a good idea, I am tee total so driving home after a night out is not an issue for me, but soft drinks are so expensive, seen me charged £2 for a can of diet coke and they dont even give you a glass.
So Britmums have challenged us to
Post your list or videos of at least 5 songs that are on your festive playlist. Don’t forget to explain why you love them.
So first up for me has to be Mud and Lonely this Christmas. I love this song as at the time the bass guitarist Ray Stiles was just somebody to drool over,well I was only 14. The song was sad but beautiful with it, and still to this day I love it. It has to be for me THE best Christmas song ever.
Talking about memories my next choice is one we use to tease daughter No2 with, as one Christmas she had her eight front teeth missing, so what else really but All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth and I love this version by The Chipmunks. I must admit she looked strange when her teeth came back through, and she even managed to fall and break one of the front ones within a month - children.
The next one is a definite "drive home song", and I love to turn it up and sing along with it as long as nobody else is in the car. It is not your usual Christmas mushiness, and some of its lyrics are definitely missing the spirit of Christmas, as I often am so it is quite appropriate.
Kirsty McColl and The Pogues - Fairytale in New York
Next up is one that was around when my children were young and they use to sing the first two lines, and I had to chuckle to myself as when we were having our crafting afternoon last week Fifi was singing the same two lines but could not remember any more. Oh how nothing changes. I give you
Wham and Last Christmas.
There have been many comical Christmas songs, and I have tried to find something different, I toyed with something by The Smurfs as again these were quite popular when my children were young and we use to have a Smurf Christmas album. I toyed with Grandma got run over by a reindeer by Elmo and Patsy, not to mention The Wombles We wish you A Merry Christmas
But decided to share this one instead why? Just because I like it and again I loved everything David Essex did at the time.
Winters Tale by David Essex
So this is my entry for the Festive Song Linky. This makes it an entry for the competition where by two lucky people will receive iPad Minis. Five will receive a case of their favourite Coca-Cola drink!
The Linky competition ends at 17:00 GMT, 20 December 2012.
Love that last one and Wham of course. Commenting on behalf of BritMums.