Thursday, 29 September 2011

Making Rocky Roads

The kids love to cook when they come here, but must admit with a bit of a sore throat I really could not be bothered with huge amounts of mess and clearing up, so decided to keep both parties happy but to make little mess.

Bob made his first whilst Fifi was upstairs amusing herself with building a meccano crane, which went slightly wrong and she needed a help to sort but I could see where and why she got muddled up as the diagram was a wee bit misleading, but she came up with a finished crane after about 40 mins ( think she got distracted as she thought she was missing out on something her brother was getting!!)

We made 2 versions of theses Bob safe and not Bob safe. These would be ideal popped in a lunch box or for a party.

marshmallows in

Bob safe - we broke up some meringues, and some biscuits, cut up some marshmallows,  melted some mint flavoured carob  added some raisins, sultanas and coconut and spoonfuls of it on a tray to cool, and very yummy it was to.

stirring together

For Fifi we just used cooking chocolate with the above ingredients, and she needed no help what so ever with this ( apart from me taking the bowl out the microwave).

the finished results

And the best bit - licking the spoons afterwards, Bobs verdict - scrummy
yummy in my tummy.

 Linky this up with over at  If you cook with your kids            ( doesnt have to be a toddler, then join in)

The Crazy Kitchen


  1. Thanks for linking up again - I love Rocky road, sadly my waistline doesn't, but they are really easy to make with the kids - I will pass this recipe on to my friend with the egg/dairy allergic son, thanks

  2. feel free and pass on, whats a waistline??? we made them cos they required little of my brain power.

  3. This sounds delicious and as a Rocky Road fan, something I definitely want to try! xx

  4. i'm going to try this with my kids - a great passtime :)


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