Friday, 17 February 2012

Looking for a different present for a child?

Saw this in an e-mail and thought it really would make a different present for a child. Being of an older generation I love wooden toys, love the play value, the interaction value, and the fact they are not electronic or battery operated they for me have huge appeal.

Also liked the fact this was made by a mum to fill a gap she saw in the market for an educational toy that will help children learn about the days, weeks and months in a logical circular form, not a flat form as in a calender that children have trouble relating to.

Circa is an innovative educational toy calendar designed to help children understand the cycles of the calendar using the toy's rotating and circular stacking design. The toy encourages parent-child interaction, with itsdesign based on ease of learning for children in a gradual progression at their individual paces. Fully assembled, Circa makes a beautiful children’s perpetual desk calendar, fit for any bedroom or living area. More information can be found at

Testers have said about Circa “This is a beautifully crafted fully interactive calendar helping to teach children the days of the week, months of the year and days of the month. There are fun nursery rhymes on the reverse side of the disc to help children to remember the days of the week and months of the year. Time concept and sequencing is an essential part of language development.”

Melinda, mummy inventor of Circa told us that it has been recognised with the following awards:

·         Top Drawer September 2011: Best New Children’s Product
·         Rainbow Toy Awards 2011: Highly Commended – Wooden Toy Category
·         British Female Inventors and Innovators Network (BFIIN) Awards: Winner – Inventors Award, Semi-Finals 2011 
·         Highly Commended award for “Toys that Help Communication” at the Talking Tots Toy Awards 2011

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic gift, beautifully made. bought mine from


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