Aillidh |
She urgently needs a stem cell/bone marrow transplant
Salt and Caramel say
Aillidh is eight years old and seriously ill. As ill as a little girl can get. She has Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and is going through her third chemotherapy session.
She desperately needs a bone marrow transplant. Her parents are doing all they can to find a donor for Aillidh, you can follow their search on their Facebook page.
Aillidh is a blend of white Scottish and meztizo – the mix of European and indigenous N. American peoples (Native American/Indian). Her type is VERY hard to match so for this reason it is important that her story is shared throughout Europe and America. It is particularly difficult to find matches for mixed race patients so the more people who sign up to the Anthony Nolan stem cell register (or in US Be The Match website), the better chance of finding a match.
For this reason, I urge EXPAT BLOGGERS to pass this on to their readers and to their friends. Mixed marriages are very common in expat circles, so there may be a higher chance of finding a match
Some worry about signing up to the register, as the procedure is said to be very painful. I know I thought that, but was reassured by this
Myth: Donating blood stem cells is painful.
Reality: People who have donated via the bone marrow method compared the after-effects to a hard game of football. Many donors find the experience fulfilling and for some, it’s life-changing.
Donation can be done via surgery or a simple blood transfusion – the doctor of the recipient advises on this, but the final decision is made by the donor
Well what more can I say?
I count my blessings every day for that for all that Bob has wrong with him, he has been cleared off serious illnesses like cancer and cystic fibrosis. His disabilities are bad enough, but nothing in comparison. I cannot begin to imagine what a shock this sort of diagnosis must be to any parent, grandparent or sibling.
But I'm sure this family do not want our sympathy, they want our help, so please pass on this post, spread it round the world, and even if you are not of the correct race to help Aillidh by signing up you may be eligible to help somebody else. Chances are you may never be called upon, my husband has been registered with them for approx 15 years now and never been needed but you just never know when this sort of thing could hit somebody you love.
Please write a post for you blog, feel free and cut, copy and paste this onto your blog, but lets get the story out there.
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