Monday, 27 February 2012

Project 366 #58 - what is happening to me??

When on the way back to the car from our walk along the river the other day, the sun was just illuminating this sign quite nicely so it was, loved the way the reflective bits stood out, and thought it made this look very pretty. (Sad sad camera carrier that I am that a cycle lane sign can look pretty - must be turning into a photographic anorak if such a thing exists)


  1. haha, I know what you mean...every situation & item is a photo opportunity now! The kids are starting to get bored of me taking photos of them so I might have to resort to road signs too soon!

    1. no no Helen - its not a road sign, its a light reflecting photographic opportunity

  2. This project gives us the opportunity to open our eyes and notice things.
    I saw a similar thing the other day. I tried photographing it but it didn't come out the same as I could see.. then I remebered that my specs have polarising filters built in.. It was the polarising effect I could see!!

    1. yes it does, things I have just never noticed before suddenly become interesting, even piles of rubbish along the river bank can be beautiful if photographed correctly

  3. No, I love the way that's pixellated in the sign. Not sad at all. Also love the depth of blue in the sky framing the sign.

    1. the sun was hitting it just right, and for all the sky was blue, it was quite chilly

  4. The sky looks gorgeous in this shot!! I need to work on my photographs....I will add it to my list of many things to do :) am really enjoying looking at all your photo posts though, such a great project : ) x

    1. yes I needed to work on my photos as well, especially now the review work is coming in. I am not a photographer, and have always been a point and shoot person and if you lost your head then tough luck type idea. But I must admit I am enjoying this project, and and I learning from it, and I would recommend this touch screen camera to anyone - it makes it so so easy to use and adjust and therefore so simple to use. Remember you can join in anytime, if you did say 1st March to 1st March that is fine

  5. Great shot, I know the feeling I am also looking at things I am sure I would never have noticed before. Keep it up!


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