Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Make a shoe box for Operation Christmas Child

Saw a link for this over on Emmas' blog at mummymummymum, and felt that as the grandchildren have had a lot of beautiful stuff given for them to try out, and I had some bits and pieces that I have won that  I could use, so I decided to help out children less fortunate that mine. Its a few years since we did this with our own children, so decided now was the time.

I asked around at work and 2 of the girls brought me in a few bits and pieces, and I bought some bits to make the boxes ( I hope) appealing and useful, and I really hope the recipient likes them.

 All the boxes have facecloth and soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, notepad, biros, mechanical pencils, coloured pencils, felt tip pens, sunglasses and couple of bags of sweets.

box 1 with the notelets

box 2

I made 2 older girls boxes to which I added a cap, bangles, necklace, hairbands and makeup. Fruitshoot bag and either s fruitshoot football or fruitshoot skipping ropes and a purse.

 One of these also contains a gorgeous tin with a picture of a cupcake on the front and contains 12 notelets and envelopes

box 3
Box 3 that I made is designed more for a 6-10 yr old and contains a purse, a fruitshoot bag and skipping ropes, a hairband, a couple of mooshi monsters, a cushelle bear that I won from the Fb comps,a hair brush and a hairband.

box 4

And finally box 4 was designed more for a 3-6 yr old. It contains a fruit shoot bag ( these are drawstring and will be handy for keeping their spoils in ) a colouring book, a mooshi monster, a yoyo, clappers, a plasticine and shape cutter set, and a small rabbit that I won in my Persil hamper.

If you want to go join in pop over to Operation Christmas Child and see what you can do to help them out. Its not too late you have until this Friday 18th November to make your box and drop it off.


  1. That's lovely!

    I remember doing them in my teens, my mother used to ask what stuff won't I be using and I would put them in a box.

    A brilliant campaign :D

  2. Wow, they all look amazing!!! Thanks so much for joining in and the mention in your post. It is much appreciated!

  3. This post takes me back to when I was a child and making some boxes to take into school! We always supported the campaign every year.

  4. We did this at our toddler group, rather than making a box each we all brought (or knittied if you were very skint like me) a couple of items and we made a few boxes to donate.


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