Monday, 14 November 2011

Making Pizza

Decided tonight we would make Pizza for tea, kids love making their own food.

I used bread mix using rice milk and egg substitute as my base as per recipe on packet, and I also mixed a tablespoon of tomato purée through the base mix whilst it was making.

I got Fifi to cut up tomato, green pepper and cold meat and I opened a tin of sweetcorn.I grated Cheezley blue cheese for Bobs pizza. We found this product very easy to grate, a nice soft cheese, and it melted fine on the pizza.

We  then used some Mu low fat cheese for Fifis'. We made Bobs first and only got Fifi's cheese out once his was made and well and truly out the way. Fifi found this cheese a bit more difficult than some to grate, but the block didnt beak or crumble under her none to delicate treatment.

The kids rolled out their bases, used Asda smart price sweet and sour sauce as their base sauce and then added what they wanted toppings wise.

Bobs smart pizza

Fifis' face pizza

and very yummy they were too. Every last scrap was eaten.

Some of the products were provided for us to review, with honest findings being given here.


  1. It always nice to make your own pizza and esp getting the kids envolved once in a while! Looks like the kids really enjoyed it :D

  2. I love the face pizza. I can't wait til Squeaky's a bit older & we can really do things like this. Right now she's more interested in throwing things on the floor.

  3. yum! looks delish! and what a coincedence we're having pizza for dinner today! I think that your explanation of how you cook carefully to avoid contaminating Bob's food was helpful info! I can't get those free from cheese's here but Levi seems happy with a tomato pizza with bacon, he picks off the veg though!

  4. you have to be very aware of cross contamination when the result if not could kill him. Redwood foods who make it have a shop in Holland if you ever in that direction. Id offer to post you some but would not make it.

  5. My little one loves making pizza and wants to do it all the time. Unfortunately, she won't eat the thing once its made!

  6. Yum I love making Pizza with my wee girl great way of making her eat vegetables.


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