For Bobs birthday present I had bought his tickets to go and see a musical based on Dr Seuss put on by a local drama group. He thought it was great, I moved his car seat into the front of the car, just him and I went along and we stopped for chips on the way back. Here he is reading his program. I did write a post about it last week, its here if you want a read.
We went geocaching up Auchencruive (for a change) there is so much open space to see and so many caches to find up there. You can read how we got on here
Bob wasn't feeling overly well and daughter was going into the town for some shopping, so he asked could he stay with grandma. Here he is out the back door. Granddad had taken out to teach him how to fish. He actually did very well I was surprised how well he picked it up. Now they just need to go and practise near some water.
I had wished for some rain so that I could get a chance to stay in and do some stuff that was needing done indoors. Well it certainly rained, and rained and rained, it was bouncing back up off the pavement and running in rivers down the street.
The older two have not been feeing great this week, and so they opted to stay in and play board games rather than go running around the park. Auntie H had dropped off a huge box on Knex bricks and the children amazed me how well they did with them. More to the point thye played with them for nearly two hours and still were not bored.
We had out barbecue tonight, courtesy of #MorrisonsMums. A fun and pleasant evening was had by all, post to follow. But I just Dinky was so cute lying on her mat while we tried to put her cape on.
One of our guests at the barbecue last night was uninvited, not unwelcome. She lives miles away down the coast so I never thought of her wanting to come. But she turned up and said she had invited herself. Later on in the evening we were talking about laminaters and certificates when she said she wanted a certificate for being the first gatecrasher we have had since we moved in, so here is her certificate.
Dinky looks so big! Thanks so much for wishing all that rain on us! :)
ReplyDeleteLol that certificate is so funny! Never thought to do that :) The rain was awful we looked like drowned rats walking back from school but glad it's nice today x #365 x
ReplyDeleteI love the garden fishing and a Dr Seuss musical sounds fun! I hope you enjoyed the Morrisons shop, the OH is cooking me my Morrisons meal tonight :)
ReplyDeleteI love geocaching! Looks like you had a fun week with the wee ones, even if it did rain buckets. :)
ReplyDeleteOh you've reminded me that I need to investigate some local Monkey friendly geocaching - love the idea #365
ReplyDeleteOh Dinky is sooo cute!! Love that certificate, made me laugh! I have never heard of geocaching......
ReplyDeletegreat round up, love the certificate :) #project365
ReplyDeleteGlad Bob had a great birthday, and enjoyed the show and chips on the way home. That certificate is hilarious
ReplyDeleteThat certificate made me laugh! I hope you had a great evening. A really lovely round-up aside from the sickness. Geocaching seems like lots of fun, we must give it a go. Have a wonderful bank holiday :)
ReplyDeleteWe enjoy geocaching too :) Love the 'fishing' photo and the one of Dinky all wrapped up x
ReplyDeletei am loving that certificate! i ought to get some printed for here!! not sure how they would be received ...but it would be funny x
ReplyDeleteI used to love fishing as a child. Brilliant certificate!
ReplyDeleteArrr Dinky looks so cute, bless her! Love the gate crashing certificate lol. Looks like a lovely place to go for a walk, we love Scotland, it really is such a beautiful place, you are lucky having such beauty on your door step x #Project365
ReplyDeleteI used to LOVE K-nex so much. i can't wait for my two to be old enough to appreciate it :)
ReplyDeleteWow, your garden looks pretty big! Sorry to hear the kids haven't felt so well this week! Lots of rain too. Lol to the gatecrasher!
ReplyDeletewhat a lovely treat to take Bob to see the musical and to have a chip supper sounds like a wonderful evening just the 2 of you. the gatecrasher certificate is funny and could become something of a traditon for future events - the late comer, the drunkard, etc.. lol x
ReplyDeleteHa! I love that you have a gatecrasher, and that she demanded you make her a certificate!
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up to Project 365, the new linky is now live.