Saturday, 24 May 2014

Project 365 week 21 18th - 24th May

I spent most of last weekend in a totally worn out state, after our mammoth seven hour caching event on Friday, which you can read about here if you are remotely interested and with two eleven hour shifts on Saturday and Sunday then I was never so glad to see  Monday morning.


I went out into the garden after work to see how the plants are getting on. The strawberries are coming along nicely.


When we were geocaching at Gartmorn Dam a few weeks back we had noticed a bird hide that would have been interesting to use. Sadly it was locked. So we contacted the local council and they agreed to send me a key for it. But sadly on Monday the envelope turned up with a hole in it and the key missing.


The twins came round to play earlier today. It was nice so we went out in the garden to play. Have to laugh at Minky now he well at truly knows his feet belong to him and he grabs them and attempts to roll over, but doesn't realise he needs to let go of his feet first.  He can roll now and move himself about his cot.
Dinky has not quite got the idea and doesn't realise her feet belong to her. She hasn't mastered rolling yet either, but if you put her on her tummy she will try and get up on her knees.

MInky rolling and Dinky taken from an awkward angle 


We had been out geocaching earlier today, and it went slightly wrong. Not quite sure how but we ended up miles away from where we had left the car parked. It was suppose to be a three and three quarter mile walk, but once we had run out of cache to collect we must have taken a wrong turn and ended up approx four miles away from where we expected to be. We walked round in a horseshoe following the river.
Had to get daughter to come and pick us up and runs us back to the car. Bob thought it was hilarious. Here are granddad and Minky playing at boys stuff and working in the shed.


We have decided we are going to place a few cache of our own for other people to find. We are going to name these after Shorty Dog and place them in places she loved to be in. We were out deciding on the spot for our first one which will go out for her second anniversary next week. This looks like a suitable place, from afar of course, not going to show you just where it is going.  


As normal the children were over last night, Fifi had wanted to go out and play with her friends rather than go out for a walk. So Bob and I did some baking. Here he is with his fruit scones.


We realised last week that we need dedicated rucksacks to hold geocaching items so the bags can just be lifted whenever we want to go out and we have everything we need to hand. So we went and bought these, one each to share the load. Just need to buy waterproofs to go in them and walking sticks to go with them. 

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. You're getting very organised and into geocaching. I need to have another go at it and hopefully it'll be more successful next time

  2. Wow, your strawberries are way ahead of ours. Such a shame about that key. Like your new rucksacks - #365

  3. lots of geocaching fun going on, going the wrong direction is something I would definitely do!! #project365

  4. We have done strawberries this year - the birds always beat us to them! The scones look great, would never think to do them different shapes :)

  5. I love fruit scones. I never thought of making shapes I'll get baking with the girls x #365

  6. Oh my word you are the geocaching queen! No wonder you were shattered at the start of the week, I hope you got some rest. The twins seem to be growing so fast - not sure why I'm sounding surprised! Adorable still though :)

  7. Oh, shame about the key. We're huge fans of geocaching - we've found some very cool sights

  8. i so want to go out geocaching .. but i have still not convinced hubby yet!! gutted

  9. You're really getting into the geocaching! Brilliant :) What a shame that key was lost!

  10. Sounds like you had quite some adventures geocaching!

  11. Like the idea of geocaching bags. We like to keep separate bags packed for certain activities too. Makes it much easier and quicker.

  12. Looks like a busy week, the twins are getting so big bless them. I really must look into geocaching, I keep reading so much about it recently! Hope you have a lovely week x

  13. Yeeehh to strawberries. My husband & girls love geocaching & the twins are really growing x

  14. you are so into your geo caching now , i think it sounds such fun!- and i am sorry but you having to be collected made me smile too! i thi nk it is great that you will start to leave caches for other people now too. how exciting to be growing your own strawberries too x

  15. That is crazy about the missing key! You have got us interested in geocaching now lol

  16. Such a shame about the key getting lost!! Your strawberries are doing well!

  17. Your strawberries are doing much better than ours! They've not even made the sunlight! Lol. #365


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