Saturday, 10 May 2014

Project 365 week 19 4th -10th May

Well another week passes, nothing much exciting happens, but I will log the tedious anyway.Have been out geocaching three times this week, trying out three different methods, all in the name of blogging experimentation of course.


a walk round Bellisle Park in Ayr, a lovely sunny day and I just liked this blossom picture best out of all I took.


I was only working for a few hours today, so OH came into the town with me as we had decided to try some geocaching in the town for a change instead of along rivers and in woods. A bit harder to do with people around if you are trying to keep them secret. We cached and dashed and found all except one we looked for. The area was having major road works going on and some of the walls had been knocked down so was not sure if we were in the right spot or not.
While we were driving from one cache to another we saw this parked and I had to stop and make it picture of the day.


We went visiting in Stirling again today. Had decided to go and walk round Gartmorn Dam when we had finished, beats getting stuck in rush hour traffic.  I had downloaded a new app onto my phone that apparently makes it easier to navigate to caches using your GPS not your phone data. Just in case it didn't work I took the info on paper. Just as well as with the tree coverage neither my GPS or my phone data would work. But we managed to find five of the seven with just the clues. Was quite difficult to find a cache at the base of a specific oak tree when you have an oak lined avenue. Took us over two hours to walk the three miles round the dam time we deviated off here and doubled back and looked.


Daughter No1 drops the older two at guides and cubs on a Wednesday evening and wanders up with the twins for an hour. I get an hour to spend with the twins without the older two being jealous. I was playing with Dinky on the floor with her toy and saw this opportunity.


Went along for my monthly over 55's club again today ( no, no, no, I am not over 55!!) . Have to say was a pleasant afternoon with people really enjoying the crochet lesson I was teaching. They are all away home with a crochet hook and an introduction to the first three simple stitches.


I am joining in with #IBSD14 and we have agreed to swap  allergy free recipes. Here is my egg/dairy/wheat/gluten/soya free jelly cake that Bob and I started last night and I finished off as it needed time in the fridge to set before I could add the butter icing.


Whilst out geocaching on Thursday we found this dog tag, first one I have found, so brought it home and registered it. It has travelled for nearly 13.000 miles totally within the States. It was last seen on New York in April last year,(missing in action for 13 months) this is the first appearance it has made since. It was placed in a cache along the river in Galston a few days before we went by a guy who's sister was visiting from America. So will be interesting to follow it and see where else it goes.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. The dam picture looks quite eerie - really like it. Geocaching sounds really interesting!

  2. Beautiful Pictures Elaine!.. I really love the one of Dinky sooooooooo cute and wow look at all that fallen blossom.. :D Popping over from: #Project365

  3. Love that old car, and the dropped blossom shot is lovely. Monkey calls it pink snow when we walk through it on the way to school #365

  4. That vintage car looks fab! Very interesting to read about the dog tag!

  5. I have never tried geocaching, it looks really interesting, I love the fact that you found something that has travelled miles and been missing for so long, very exciting.

  6. I love the blossom & old car but Dinky is very cute x

  7. We must try geocaching, it sounds brilliant - I shall come to you for tips! How amazing to hear about the dog tag, fascinating story, will be really interesting to follow. Gorgeous photos - faves are the scenery and that wonderful blossom, the car and Dinky :)

  8. The dog tag thing sounds interesting - I keep meaning to try out geocaching. We did it a bit on a NT activity day, but would like to try properly.

  9. I keep hearing about geocaching, I really do need to read up on this as I think that my eldest would probably enjoy it! Love the picture of Dinky :-) x #Project365

  10. We've done our first geocaching today and everyone loved it :) It's definitely going to be come one of our favourite things to do on a weekend when the kids are home :)

  11. that old car is beautiful and so shiny, someone clearly takes great pride in it. i really like the photo of the dam, it looks so peaceful there. x

  12. Such a lovely week of photos! And I must, must, must soon go geocaching.

  13. Pink snow, how fabulous! I really want to learn how to crochet, is it tricky?

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365, new linky live from 9pm tonight.

    1. no crocheting is very simple, a wee bit harder if you are a knitter because you hold the hook different than needles and people find that concept hard to get their head round. only have 1 stitch on your hook at a time so you cant drop one without noticing.

  14. wow Elaine that picture of the damn is utterly stunning the colours are so deep!

    sorry for the delay in getting round to you from last week #365


Nice to see you stopping by. Thank you for your comment and I hope you stop by again.