Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Pomegranate and fruit couscous

I decide with the warm weather this week that I was not making meals as such and decided to fill the fridge with cold foods that could be eaten at anybodies leisure. It is just far to warm to want to eat, so I thought some cold healthy easy to grab snacks would be a great idea.

dry couscous and sultanas

So I took a bottle of pomegranate juice and heated it. Poured it over 3 oz couscous and a handful of sultanas, and left it to soak in and go cold.

soaking ready to thicken

Once cool I added some chopped blueberries, white grapes and strawberries, and stirred it all together.

chopped fruit

Quick, easy, nutritional and very very tasty.

ready for eating

The couscous was supplied by Healthy Supplies, the idea is all my own.

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