Friday, 8 June 2012

A Remembrance seems fitting for my 500th blog post

Really it seems no time since I started this blog, was fourteen months ago but that time has flown in, I wanted to do something special for my 500th blog post so I thought what better than a remembrance to my little dog?

Queen Shorty

For those of you that follow my project 366 you will know that during May I blogged wee bits and pieces about her baldy bits from various trips to the vet, and that my post for 28th May was her empty bed and rounded up bowl, leads etc.

Sorry, but  here is happy memories of the good life we gave the dog, and my memories of the pleasure she gave us.  This post may be disjointed ramblings and I'm not sure as yet what format it is going to bear with me while my fingers type and the tears run down my face.

Orange coloured with Auntie H
Shorty dog came into our lives when she was approx 18 months old, August 1997. My  husband decided we needed a dog to go with the two cats and four remaining children we had and so he saw this border terrier advertised for sale in the paper, so her previous owner brought her round for a visit...and the rest as they say is history.  We were never really sure of her exact birthday, just knew it was February so as daughter No 1 has a birthday on the 13th we decided they could share the day.

When we got you your name was Tango, probably because of your orange colour, but you were rarely called that, usually you were referred to as Shorty, but when you were being a menace we called you Rat a**!! You must have had a bad experience with a black dog before we got you as you hated them with a passion. You would hare off across the whole length of the park to attack one of you so felt like it, and when we had you out for a walk we would pick you up and tuck you under our arm when we walked past big dogs - not cos we were worried about you - we were worried about the bigger dog.

Dad spoilt you from the word go, and you knew exactly how to get round him. You never needed to eat out of your bowl because part of your nightly routine was playing catch with your biscuits before dad went out on his night shift.

You were not stupid either. I worked from home for a few years and I stopped work at 8pm just as Eastenders was starting, and you very soon learnt to recognise the tune, you would get all excited, come and fetch me from the office and off we would go for your evening walk up the estate. The weather did not matter we went any way.

first meeting with Fifi
One of the most hilarious things to watch you with was Fifi's hamster. You would spend all day with your nose pressed against the bars and all evening snapping and woofing at it. One year we found a wind up hamster complete with a ball, and you had us all in fits of laughter on Christmas day as you spend more than an hour chasing this thing desperate to get at it.  You, like any dog, had a great sense of smell and I remember the one day T and I had you down the river in Ayr and you disappeared and then started woofing frantically - you had found a hamster ball full of bedding tucked in the banking - why and how it was there we will never know but we had to put you on the lead to drag you away.

You loved chasing sticks, running up and down hills and hunting things out, not to mention swimming in a river. You spent many a happy walk along the river in Ayr, out at Auchencruive or down at Ballantrae. It was so funny when you got in amongst a group of rabbits cos you never knew which one to chase as they all ran off in different directions. More than one rabbit met its end thanks to you, but I am sure you are playing happily with them now.

The other animal you had a nose for was a hedgehog, even hibernating in the winter you could find one small hedgehog in a huge big field. We still talk about the time when we had put one on top of a hay bale out of your way that somehow you managed to get up on the bale, get it down, bring it from the back of the farm all the way round the front up the gravel path to the front door and didn't appear to have a scratch anywhere on you. You certainly brought us hours of entertainment.

We gave you a full and interesting life, and I miss you ever day. Nobody to look at the fridge for a slice of cold meat every time we go in it. Nobody to greet we with a wag and a lick when I come home. Nobody to pop up the end of the couch when she wants a pee every ten minutes between 7 and 9pm. Nobody to stand at the kitchen door with dad when the chicken is ready to come out the oven to see what can be scrounged. Nobody to take for a walk. Everything we do, every where we go think what you would have been doing.

You were a little dog that liked the heat, not to mention your home comforts,  well you will never be cold again.

Even daft things like lunch with Auntie H the other day I said " I normally would lake home those chicken dippers for Shorty - but no point now."  Or grating cheese with Fifi, normally the bits to small to grate would be fed to Shorty.

We loved you dearly Shorty and will remember you for ever.

R.I.P. until we meet again

OH has set up a website and written a lovely poem for Shorty, that sums her up to a tea. why not go and have a read and light her a candle?


  1. Oh Elaine, what a lovely post showing just how much love she gave and received.

    1. thank you, that was the angle I was aiming for, something happy rather than too sad.

  2. ahh what lovely memories of Shorty x

  3. Such a lovely post, she will always be in your hearts xxx

  4. Aww,, Its easy to see just how much your missing your little friend. Its also clear to see what a good life you and your family gave Shorty. Lovely pictures and a lovely tribute Elaine xx.

  5. I've updated my flash player, so came back to have another look at this post, some really beautiful, cute photos of Shorty. Aw.... It's not easy to live without them is it. :O(

    1. thanks Kay, its times like this that family photos come into their own


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