Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Fifi and Bob are delighted to announce..........

That mummy is expecting their baby brother or sister.......

Oops that should be brother and sister,or sister and sister, or brother and brother

Meet twin one (at the top)  forever know on my blog as Dinky, and twin two, forever know as Minky.

Two sacs so not identical, and we will need to wait for the twenty week scan to find out the sexes.

The children had already decided babies blog name was going to be Boo....and daddy joked twin two should be called Hoo......so they changed them totally.

Congrats to them all. What nice timing for us to be moving nearer, and the other set of grandparents are only a few miles away as well.


  1. Ah, wonderful news! Twins! Exciting.

  2. oh how lovely, really pleased for you all

  3. My sons actual middle name is Boo. Congratulations!

  4. Ooooh how exciting for everyone! Fingers crossed that it's a happy, healthy pregnancy and two lovely healthy baby brothers/sisters for Fifi and Bob!

  5. Congratulations to you all.

  6. Oh Elaine I'm so pleased for you, Bob and Fifi will love having siblings and I suspect that you'll be seeing a lot more of them?

  7. Congratulations, what lovely news, you will be kept very busy!!

  8. Fantastic news, congratulations x

  9. Wow wonderful news and twins! You must be over the moon! Look forward to reading all about it :)

  10. Fab news! and twice the fun too! Congrats to you all!


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