Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Rhubarb, a lemon and a spice

Rhubarb, lemon and a spice of your choice, that was the challenge thrown down for May's Recipe for life challenge.  This is my entry into May's Recipe for life challenge.

I have tried to fit this in with our new diabetic friendly eating that we are doing, so this month we are not gluten free though we do remain dairy free.

the rhubarb with the star anise
Having thought this through I decided to cook the rhubarb with agave sugar as it is a no GI sweetener  I put a star anise in with the rhubarb and left the anise in over night as the rhubarb cooled down to infuse more of the flavour.
I also used high fibre oat-bran and oat-germ again to make it slow burning in the body as well.

The rice bran oil is cholesterol free and is so so easy to work with, no need to cream with the sugar, so great for those of us without food processors.

  • 4 oz rice bran oil and
  • 3 oz agave sugar into a bowl
  • added 2 eggs and mix well
  • zest a lemon, and squeeze out the juice, add juice and zest to mixture
  • add 2 oz oatbran and oatgerm ( for the high fibre low GI effect)
  • and 6 oz light brown self raising flour
sprinkled with agave sugar

Place the cooked rhubarb into ramekin dishes, and cover with the sponge mix.

Cook for apprx 18 mins at 160 oC

Sprinkle with agave sugar and serve with custard or cream. 


  1. I have rhubarb to use up so I guess I should get a cracking, probably with my slow cooker. I like agave syrup, so good choice with it.

  2. Now that looks nice, must get some rhubarb

  3. such pretty colours...& that sponge looks good! I haven't started on my rhubarb cooking yet...I need myself a supplier!


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