Saturday, 18 May 2013

Project 365 12th - 18th May

Sunday was another 11 hr shift at work, and so the photography gets as exciting as a cup of spearmint tea. The spearmint coming out of the garden now it has started growing again.

a refreshing cup of spearmint tea


Had the children over for a while as their mum had to go and do a favour for a friend. Very little toys left here at the moment, but they managed to play nicely with the train set for quite a while. After that granddad amused and educated them with old episodes of the likes of Andy Pandy, Rainbow, Captain Pugwash and even watched Paul McCartney's The Frog song.

playing nicely with the train track, mayhem broke out later. 


As we are due to move we have people viewing our house, and so hubby decided we needed some fresh flowers in the living room, and I quite liked the colours of these.

starting to loose some of the colour.


Cant say as I have noticed these at the cottage before now, this is a picture of the inside of a yellow tulip. Was hoping to find a bee inside one but no luck.


As I have had to send back my faulty food processor and I have not decided which one I want to replace it with yet my friend Sam recommended one of these just for creaming and beating. Not quite a food processor but works great to make meringues with, and for a fiver you cant complain. Also trued it out to cream butter and sugar with, works great there as well.


Daughter No 2 is off to a new life in Oban this weekend, more about this in another post later in the week,  and so her and her boyfriend came over for a meal before they went. Here is the dog after his walk.


A book from daughter No2 to help with the current cooking regime. Not had chance to read it yet but should be very useful. Thanks Tweeze.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Great tulip photo - and we have one of those £5 mixers (Tescos?) and they work just fine!

    1. mine was Argos but Im sure all the supermarkets will do one of their own very similar

  2. Love the very pretty and colourful flowers. Have a good weekend

  3. Great pics - love the sleepy dog!

  4. Lovely flowers!!

    Love the dog, feel like crashing out like that right now!

  5. I need to get one of those mixers, I'm borrowing my mum's at the moment!
    Love the colours of those flowers :)

  6. Whatever you made looks really scrummy!!

  7. The yellow tulip is so vibrant and spring like. And it made me smile when you called The Frog Chorus old - I mean it is almost 30 yrs but I remember it from my childhood fondly! I love your homemade spearmint tea also x

  8. Great tulip photo, and love the one of Fifi and Bob playing trains. Hope you get to see them more once you move.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  9. Some lovely shots this week. Like The Boy and Me I like the tulip and the train shots.

  10. Stunning photo of the tulip. Very cute to see the dog so worn out after his walk.

  11. wow your week was really busy, I think the flowers were a fab choice and super! xx

  12. Busy week and a lovely collection of photos - particularly the tulip.

  13. Glad you got your mixer sorted. Like we said on twitter 'don't mess with the nannas'.
    Cheap and cheerful does the job so why pay more.

  14. Gorgeous pictures. Love the spearmint tea and the flowers x


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