Tuesday, 7 May 2013

No grandchildren this week, and next maybe.

Well two weeks today I will have full free access to my new house. Hopefully within two to three weeks after that I hope to be moving in. Must admit there is an awful lot of work to do before we move in. The fence out the back needs re-erecting so that we can get a shed in place where the fence is currently laying. We need to get somebody out to measure up for carpets and go and pick which we want and arrange a date for fitting. Before that we need the decorator out to paper the living room. Son No1 is going to be doing the painting that needs doing so that the decorator can just paper.

We need to get a new shower fitted, as the one that is in is faulty occasionally and there is no bath. Need to get a steam cleaner and clean the shower cubicle and tiles in the bathroom. I want to use it on the laminate as well that is on the kitchen and hall as the current house owner has a dog to which I am allergic.

We have started doing what we can at this end, OH has been emptying the loft and every time we run up there we take boxes that have been packed with us and stick them in the spare bedroom.

As the grandchildren are getting older and we are going to be nearer them than we are here then no doubt they will be popping in more, so with this in mind we went and bought a sofa bed for the new house so that they can bring in friends and sit and read or watch tv etc easier than they can with a single bed in the room. We had advertised the nearly new single bed that they currently use here and that sold at the weekend, so not only is there no bed for the grandchildren to sleep in there is also no floor space for them to sleep in sleeping bags either.

We will make this up to them later in the year by taking them on holiday with us for a long weekend somewhere,  Have been entering competitions for various Scottish holidays, these suit me fine as most places are within two hours by car, I don't travel well so that will be far enough for me,  I have been looking for some holiday clothes to take with me, well I cant turn up at a poshish hotel wearing joggies, t-shirts and trainers. Must admit I was impressed with some of the clothes available at Joseph M. They do a lot of nice lightweight waterproof jackets, just what we need in Scotland for the so called Summer.

Will keep you updated on the move over the next month.

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