Saturday, 11 May 2013

Project 365 5th-11th May 2013

Well what were we up to this week?

As the night are getting longer and there is much more time to get out after tea we went for a walk along near the river and scrambled down to the river bank itself to get a picture of the old bridge just past the cottage, but could not really get a good angle to get a worthwhile picture, but I quite liked this very useful hand rail to help you up and down the steep slope to the river

We went to Minishant for a meal, we were going to have a meal at the Riverside Inn but it is closed yet again for refurbishment. Have never really bothered to stop in Minishant before now, its one of these dinky little villages that you just slow down to 30 mph to go through and speed back up at the other side. But we were very well impressed with the food, all made freshly as you wait. Just a small place, approx 28 seats if memory serves me correct. They were quite happy to offer alternatives for creamy mash and allowed me to have sorbet instead of ice-cream with my fruit salad. We would recommend the pace, and go back again.

The weather was gorgeous, the warmest driest day we have had so far this year, and Son No1 decided he fancied a barbecue  So he bought the food, we supplied the portable barbecues  and a very pleasant afternoon was had by all.

We had a few nice sunny spells in between the rain showers, and I just liked these chimneys against the blue sky. Not a cloud in sight.

Daughter No2 wanted to borrow the carpet shampooer, and so got  daughter No 3 to drop it off as she borrowed it a few weeks back. Again it was a pleasant evening that followed a wet day and so we said we would meet her for a stroll along the beach with her dog. These two horses were also having a stroll. Would make for a nice picture.


Joined up with daughter No1 and the grandchildren tonight for a beetle drive in aid of a local charity. Must admit this was a first for us as none of us have ever been to one before, It made for a fun evening.  You can read all about it here if you wish.  Here are the kids recycling their beetle sheet into a paper hat under the tuition of granddad.


Here is the bottle of brandy I won in the raffle last night, and I also won the toiletries bag for getting the highest overall score for the beetle drive.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Nothing beats walking along the river on a nice spring/summer day.

    And that pic of the horses is gorgeous

  2. I love the barbecue shot, hope your son enjoyed it and is feeling more chilled out?

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  3. it sounds like you have enjoyed your week Elaine and seen some lovely weather too. the horses on the beach photo is fantastic x

  4. It sounds like you've had much better weather than us this week and we're not *that* far from Ayrshire. Good to see you've been putting the sunny spells to use - particularly love the horses on the beach photo

  5. It's lovely that the weather has been so nice that you've been able to get out and about. There's nothing to beat a lovely walk along the beach to finish the day off.

  6. Replies
    1. quite ingenious was it not, a log and a sheet of asbestos. Would not have done it had the kids been there but with 4 adults it was quite safe.

  7. Sounds like you had a lucky week. Great picture with the horses on the beach.

  8. I hope the weather improves for us to have a BBQ. Looks like you had a lovely week!

  9. Replies
    1. hubby would have to had he not just been diagnosed with diabetes plus a few other things, he cant touch it at the mo.

  10. I LOVE impromptu BBQs - they are the best!

  11. What a stunning blue sky! I love the photo of the horses on the beach.

  12. Lovely photos this week. Well done on your prizes.
    I like the perspective on the handrail shot.


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